ZeMKI, Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Hepp: "Why Communities cannot be Digital – and yet Digital Media and their Infrastructures are fundamentally changing Processes of Communitization" NewsZeMKI-News15. Juli 2024 ZeMKI-Mitglied Prof. Andreas Hepp hält am Donnerstag, den 18.07.2024, einen Vortrag auf der inKonferenz „Digital Communities – Social proximity from a spatial distance“. Die internationale Konferenz wird von dem Institut für Sozialwissenschaft der Christian Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) in Kooperation mit der Ferdinand-Tönnies-Gesellschaft, und der German Sociological Association (DGS), Section Sociological Theory, organisiert und findet in der „Seeburg“ statt – dem „Leuchtturm der Wissenschaft“ der CAU. Der Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Hepp findet um 14 Uhr statt und trägt den Titel „Why communities cannot be digital – and yet digital media and their infrastructures are fundamentally changing processes of communitization“. Zum Programm der Tagung Abstract: Why communities cannot be digital – and yet digital media and their infrastructures are fundamentally changing processes of communitization The presentation discusses the concepts of community and communitization with regard to digital media and their infrastructures. A distinction is made between two basic forms of communitization, namely local and translocal. However, both are increasingly entangled with digital media and their infrastructures: they refigure with the deep mediatization of society. Based on this distinction, different communities are then examined in more detail in relation to media: as local communities, interpretative communities, families, circles of friends, peer groups and cliques; as translocal communities, the nation, Europe, diasporas, communities within popular culture, social movements and religious communities. The presentation concludes with topics currently dominating media and communication research: today’s “polymediality” of the communicative construction of communities, platform collectivities and technology-related communities. Personen Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Labs Lab Datafizierung und Mediatisierung