Das ZeMKI Personen Dr. Rebecca ScharlachWissenschaftliche MitarbeiterinWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und MitarbeiterLabmitgliedschaftLab Plattform-Governance, Medien und TechnologieKontaktE-Mail: scharlach@uni-bremen.deWebsite: http://rebeccascharlach.comVitaDr. Rebecca Scharlach ist Postdoktorandin im Platform Governance Media and Technology Lab. Sie hat Forschungsgelder von der Universität Bremen für ihr Postdoc-Projekt (2024–2027) erhalten: „Re-evaluating Governing Principles: Navigating the Integration of Generative AI in Social Media Platforms“. In diesem Projekt wird Dr. Scharlach untersuchen, wie Big Tech-Unternehmen die Integration von generativer KI gestalten und welche Voraussetzungen notwendig sind, um zentrale Werte angesichts technologischer und regulatorischer Veränderungen zu bewahren.Ihre Arbeiten wurden in führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften wie New Media & Society, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Communication und Communication Theory veröffentlicht.Rebecca hat ihre Promotion im September 2024 am Department of Communication & Journalism der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem abgeschlossen. Ihre Dissertation mit dem Titel „The Construction of Values by Social Media Platforms“ wurde von Prof. Dr. Limor Shifman im Rahmen des ERC-geförderten DigitalValues-Projekts betreut.Forschungsinteresse Platform Governance Social Media Forschung Platform Power Values Technologische SystemeMitgliedschaften Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) International Communication Association (ICA)Publikationen Scharlach, R. (2024). How to Spark Joy: Strategies of Depoliticization in Platform’s Corporate Social Initiatives. Social Media + Society, 10(3). https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051241277601 Scharlach, Rebecca and Blake Hallinan (2023). “The Value Affordances of Social Media Engagement Features”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(6), 1-11. https://academic.oup.com/jcmc/article/28/6/zmad040/7326084?searchresult=1&login=false#421922698 Scharlach, Rebecca, Blake Hallinan, and Limor Shifman (2023). “Governing Principles: Articulating Values in Social Media Platform Policies”. New Media & Society. Online First, 1-20. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14614448231156580 Trillò, Tommaso; Hallinan, Blake; Green, Avishai; Kim, Bumsoo; Mizoroki, Saki; Scharlach, Rebecca; Frosh, Paul; Shifman, Limor (2023). “I Love This Photo! I Can Feel Their Hearts”. How Users Across the World Evaluate Social Media Portraiture. Journal of Communication. Online First, 1-22. https://academic.oup.com/joc/article/73/3/235/7078537 Trillò, Tommaso, Rebecca Scharlach, Blake Hallinan, Bumsoo Kim, Saki Mizoroki, Paul Frosh, and Limor Shifman (2021). “What Does #Freedom Look Like? Instagram and the Visual Imagination of Values.” Journal of Communication 71 (6), 875-897. https://academic.oup.com/joc/article/71/6/875/6358707 Hallinan, Blake, Rebecca Scharlach, and Limor Shifman (2022). “Beyond Neutrality: Conceptualizing Platform Values.” Communication Theory 32 (2), 201-222. https://academic.oup.com/ct/article/32/2/201/6333289 Hallinan, Blake, Bumsoo Kim, Saki Mizoroki, Rebecca Scharlach, Tommaso Trillò, Mike Thelwall, Elad Segev, and Limor Shifman (2021). “The Value(s) of Social Media Rituals: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of New Year’s Resolutions.” Information, Communication, & Society. Online First, 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1983003 Hallinan, Blake, Bumsoo Kim, Rebecca Scharlach, Tommaso Trillò, Saki Mizoroki, and Limor Shifman (2021). “Mapping the Transnational Imaginary of Social Media Genres.” New Media & Society 25 (3), 875-897. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/14614448211012372 Ackermann, Judith; Egger, Benjamin and Rebecca Scharlach (2019). “Programming the Postdigital: Curation of Appropriation Processes in (Collaborative) Creative Coding Spaces.” Journal of Postdigital Science and Education (2), 416-441.Buchrezensionen Scharlach, Rebecca. “Digitale Medien zwischen Transparenz und Manipulation. Internet und politische Kommunikation in der repräsentativen Demokratie.” TV Diskurs.Letzte Veröffentlichungen (Quelle: ORCID)‘We do not marshal your feed’: How Alt Tech platforms (re) conceptualise safety. Platforms & Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/29768624251327703The expression of values on social media: An analytical framework. New Media & Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/14614448241307035How to Spark Joy: Strategies of Depoliticization in Platform’s Corporate Social Initiatives. Social Media + Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/20563051241277601Governing principles: Articulating values in social media platform policies. New Media & Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231156580The value affordances of social media engagement features. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communicationhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jcmc/zmad040“I love this photo, I can feel their hearts!” How users across the world evaluate social media portraiture. Journal of Communicationhttps://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqad009Blake Hallinan and Rebecca Scharlach and Limor Shifman (2022). Beyond Neutrality: Conceptualizing Platform Values. Communication Theory. Oxford University Press OUPhttps://doi.org/10.1093%2Fct%2Fqtab008What Does #Freedom Look Like? Instagram and the Visual Imagination of Values. Journal of Communicationhttps://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqab021Blake Hallinan and Bumsoo Kim and Rebecca Scharlach and Tommaso Trillo and Saki Mizoroki and Limor Shifman (2021). Mapping the transnational imaginary of social media genres. New Media & Society. 146144482110123. SAGE Publicationshttps://doi.org/10.1177%2F14614448211012372https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3033-5795