EventsAgency in a Datafied Society: Coimmunication between and across humans, platforms and machinesTagungenDatum: 29. July 2021 – 30. July 2021Uhrzeit: 08:45Ort: OnlineWelcome !We are pleased to welcome you to our website for the International conference at the Centre for Media, Communication & Information Research (ZeMKI)/University of bremen in cooperation with the Communicative Figurations research network, the Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society Section of the International Association of media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and the Media Sociology Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK).The conference on the topic „Agency in a Datafied Society: Communication between and across humans, platforms and machines“ will take place from July 29-30, 2021 via for registrationProgramThursday, 29th July 20218.45-9.00 Welcome adress9.00-10.30 Session 1: Automation and Agency (Chair: Peter Gentzel)Lisa Waldenburger (U of Augsburg) & Hannes Teutoburg-Weiss (independant scholar)Machine agency ? Arguing against a dangerous conflationDavid Waldecker, Tim Hector & Dagmer Hofmann (U of Siegen)Intelligent personal assistants, human agency and the multiple forms of cooperation without consensusChrisitan Pentzold (U of Leipzig) & Andreas Bischoff (Chemnitz U of Technology)Achieving agency within imperfect automation: Working customers and self-service checkout10.45-12.45 Session 2: Inequality and Agency (Chair: Christian Pentzold)Elizabeth Prommer (U of Rostock), Christine Linke (University of Applied Sciences Wismar) & Claudia Wegener (Film University Babelsberg)The participatory culture myth: Gender equality on/of YouTube and the pressure of commercial logicOlga Usachova (U of Padua)Apps for the social inclusion: to the question of the agency of mobile applicationFranziska Thiele (U of Rostock)Agency of communication scholars in career related communicationSascha Dickel & Miriam Schmidt-Jüngst (U of Mainz)Equality and servitude. How advertismements stage the agency of humans and artificial companions12.45-14.15 Coffee Break14.15-15.45 Session 3: Everyday Practices and Agency (Chair: Franziska Thiele)Jeffrey Wimmer (U of Augsburg) & Peter Gentzel (U of Erlangen-Nürnberg)The construction of space through Google Maps – (in)visible economics and the agency of usersJessica Kunert, Carl-Jannis Frech, Michael Brüggemann, Volker Lilienthal (U of Hamburg) & Wiebke Loosen (Leibniz Institute for Media Research/HBI)An (im)perfect match: How digital technologies impact the working routines of investigative journalistsAndreas Schellewald (Goldsmiths, U of London)Scrolling through TikTok: Notes on the pleasure of ‚passive‘ consumption15:45-16.00 Coffee Break16.00-17.30 Keynote: Andrea Guzman (Northern Illinois U, Chicago)(Chair: Andreas Hepp)Reimagining communication in the age of artificial intelligence19.00-20.30 Dinner & Social Online Event Friday, 30th July 20219.00-10.30 Session 4: User Autonomy and Agency (Chair: Guiliana Sorce)Katharina Leyrer (U of Erlangen-Nürnberg)Incapacitated users or powerful gated ? Agency of information intermediary usersJohanna Möller (TU Dresden), Judith Möller & Felicia Locherbach (U of Amsterdam)Civic agency or apathy ? Self determination in news recommendation systems10.30-11.00 Coffee Break11.00-12.30 Keynote: Nick Couldry (London School of Economics) (Chair: Stephan O.Görland)Datafied media and the silent derangement of ethics12.30-13.30 Lunch BreakBusiness Meeting ‚Soziologie der Medienkommunikation’/Award ceremony13.30-15.30 Session 5: Entanglements and Agency (Chair: Johanna Möller)Thomas Christian Bächle (Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)How to interact with robots in Japan – A comparative perspective on the Europcentric concept of agencyLeif Hemming Pedersen (Roskilde U)The Struggle for Recognition in Times of Deep MediatizationKestas Kirtkilis (Vilnius U) & Lukas Wojtkowski (Nicolaus Copernicus U)Is mediazation theory a challenge for methodical individualism ?Andreas Hepp (U of Bremen) & Wiebke Loosen (Leibniz Institute for Media Research/HBI)Communicative robots, hybrid figurations and new forms of agency15.30-16.00 Coffee Break16.00-17.15 Session 6: Data and Agency (Chair: Jeffrey Wimmer)Göran Bolin (Södertörn U)Value, meaning and agency in a datafied worldIrina Zakharova (U of Bremen) & Ann-Kathrin Bock (Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research)Research implications of (in)visible data agencyGiuliana Sorce (U of Tübingen) & Delia Dumitrica (Erasmus U Rotterdam)Maintaining activist agency during the pandemic: Fridays for Future’s new digital repertoire17.15-17.30 Concluding remarks and greetings DownloadsProgramBook of abstractsFor further questions please contact:ZeMKI/University of Bremen: Stephan O. Görland, goerland@uni-bremen.deIAMCR Section Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society: Susanne Eichner, Sociology Division of the DGPuK: Johanna E.Möller,johanna.moeller@uni-mainz.deOrganizing CommitteeDr. Stephan Görland (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), goeland@uni-bremen.deProf. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), andreas.hepp@uni-bremen.deDr. Cindy Roitsch (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), Labs Lab Datafizierung und Mediatisierung