Research Projects (2) previous 123 next Active DFG Network "Potentials and Challenges of Computational Communication Science Using the Example of Online Protest" The network is a DFG-funded association of a total of 18 renowned communication researchers working in the research field of CCS. The DFG will fund the network for three years from December 2021 with a total of around 120,000 euros. A total of 7 network meetings are planned, to some of which other researchers will (…) Lab Political Communication and Innovative Methods Active Project IMPACT Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf & Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Funding institution: BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research The joint project IMPACT promotes the improvement of higher education through the scalable use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods for the (partially) automated analysis of texts. The fundamental aim of the project is (…) Duration: 2021 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Lab Media and Education Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies Active AMBITION - Activists’ MoBile InformaTION The AMBITION project is a scientific pilot study on the news and media usage behavior of Fridays for Future supporters. The project examines the role of media and news offerings and the motivations for political action. For example, the aim is to find out whether and in what form news is used, whether this news (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, Patrick Zerrer, Philipp Krieter Lab Digital Communication and Information Diversity Active Film Comedy after the Third Reich: On the political Aesthetics of Entertainment in Defector Films Team: PD Dr. Rasmus Greiner, Tatiana Astafeva M.A. Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Contact: The project aims to research German feature films from 1944/45 that were not completed or premiered until after the end of the Second World War. These approximately 60 defector films are of disproportionate importance for film theory and (film) history. (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: PD Dr. Rasmus Greiner Lab Audio-visual Media and Historiography Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture Active Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence: The Communicative Construction of AI in China, Germany and the US Partner: Institute for Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) & German Research Foundation (DFG) Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered a key technology in today’s societies. Political and economic actors in many countries have allocated considerable resources to AI development, and the technology is the subject of (…) Duration: 2021 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Active Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies and Closure in Media, Policy and Research Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Anna Jobin, Laura Liebig, Licina Güttel Partners: Medialab at Sciences Po, Paris, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods (CIM) at the University of Warwick, and the NENIC Lab at INRS Montreal, as well as the Algorithmic Media Observatory at Concordia University Funding: Open Research Area (ORA) funding line from DFG, ANR, (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Remixing Political News Reception Funded by: German Research Association (DFG) Images not only present information differently from article texts, they are also perceived differently by recipients in sensory terms, processed differently in affective and cognitive terms and can therefore trigger specific effects. Although the use of images to convey political information has a long historical tradition and images are (…) Duration: 2020 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise Lab Political Communication and Innovative Methods Completed Film History, Latin America and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge Film history, Latin America and the transatlantic circulation of knowledge: Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes’ international network Head: Dr. Ricardo Borrmann Funding: Central Research Department (ZF) of the University of Bremen This project examines the role of Latin American intellectuals and transatlantic knowledge circulation in film history by reconstructing the international network of the Brazilian film (…) Lab Audio-visual Media and Historiography Completed All is Data. The Search for Knowledge in a digitalized World of Data All is data focuses on new requirements for educators (i.e. teachers, media educators, school social workers) with regard to the handling of digital data and data education as part of pedagogical action in schools. Team: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Adrian Roeske, Philipp Krieter Partners: University of Cologne, Technical University of Kaiserslautern Client: Federal Ministry of (…) Duration: 2020 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies Active UseNews Project management: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann The useNews dataset has been compiled to enable the study of online news engagement. It relies on the MediaCloud and CrowdTangle APIs as well as on data from the Reuters Digital News Report. The entire dataset builds on data from 2019 and 2020 as well as a total of (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann Lab Digital Communication and Information Diversity Active Platform Governance Archive (PGA) Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Funding institution: University of Bremen The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) is a project to promote a critical examination of the way platforms organize and govern our communication and activities. The project is a data repository and platform that collects and curates policies of major social media platforms in a (…) Duration: 2020 – 0000Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Completed Qualifica Digitalis Team: Dr. Stefan Welling, Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Sabrina Schlachter Partner: Fraunhofer Fokus, FÖV IT Planning Council The digitalization of public administration is changing structures, processes and work culture. Employees must be prepared for these changes and their consequences through appropriate training and further education. This presents public administration employers and the associated training (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies Platform Governance and Copyright (H2020) Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Daria Dergacheva, Adrian Kopps Partners: HIIG, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Funding: EU – Horizon 2020 Social media platforms play an important role in the tension between freedom of expression and copyright. Services such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook check and delete videos, images and texts (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Completed The Face in Film and Media Art as an aesthetic Play with Identity and Criticism of Security Systems The project, which is affiliated with the ZeMKI Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”, explores the reflection of biometric facial recognition and algorithmically controlled security devices in contemporary photography, film and media art. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit and junior researcher Dr. Rasmus Greiner, the project will examine different aesthetic forms (…) Duration: 2019 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture Active Pioneer Journalism: The Re-Figuration of the Organization(s) of Journalism Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen (Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg) Participating institutions: ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) The fundamental aim of this research project is (…) Duration: 2019 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization Completed Digital Curating: Visual History of the Holocaust The project “Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age” is being funded as an Innovation Action with around 5 million euros as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The project will run for four years, starting in January 2019. The Holocaust is a central point of reference in European history (…) Duration: 2019 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture Active Digital Constitutionalism Network Database The database of the Digital Constitutionalism Network (DCN), a global interdisciplinary network of academics, consists of a regularly updated data set of so-called “Internet bills of rights” (IBRs). Digital constitutionalism describes the political process of entrenching rights and principles into the global governance of digital technologies, specifically the Internet. Digital constitutionalism does not describe actual (…) Duration: 2022Project lead: Dr. Dennis Redecker Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Completed Digital extracurricular learning and educational Practices of young People Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), Prof. Dr. Chrisitan Pentzold ZeMKI, University of Bremen) Participating institutions: ZeMKI, University of Bremen, RWTH Aachen University Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) In four sub-projects, the joint project investigates digital extracurricular learning and education-related action practices of young people in an interdisciplinary (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf, Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold Lab Media and Education Completed Minorities and the Media. The Construction of religious Identity in Times of profound Mediatization Head: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorota Hall, Polish Academy of Sciences Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Media coverage of the refugee crisis has reinforced the tendency of media marginalization of the Christian minority. This has affected smaller Christian communities in particular, forcing them to rethink their self-perception in identity-forming discourses. (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler Lab Media and Religion Completed Pioneering Communities - The quantified Self and Maker Movement as collective Actors of profound Mediatization Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) External collaborations: Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE), Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone (LSE), Dr. Mark Taylor (University of Sheffield), Prof. Dr. Gina Neff (University of Oxford), Prof. Dr. Michaela Pfadenhauer (University of Vienna), Prof. Dr. Fred Turner (Stanford University) Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Over the (…) Duration: 2018 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization Completed WeSIS Measuring socio-political development dynamics and inter-state interdependencies worldwide. Co-creation of the Global Welfare State Information System TP A01 in the SFB 1342: Global Development Dynamics of Social Policy. Cooperation of ifib with the University of Bremen. Team: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Hendrik Heuer, Gabriela Carolina Molina León Partner: SOCIUM University of Bremen Client: German Research (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies Active DFG project "The sustainable provision of software for research on cross-media practices and digital traces" The basic aim of this research project is to further develop the media diary software MeTag and the Q-Sort or free sorting software MeSort and, in doing so, to develop a model of good practice for the provision of research software in the field of media and communication. Duration: 2018 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization Completed Datafied Cooperation with the Institute for Information Management Bremen, the Georg Eckert Institute – Leibniz Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI), the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg (HSU) and the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Collaboration: Irina Zakharova and Tjark Raabe The Institute for Information (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies Completed otu.lea Pedagogical online support Diagnostics for Adults with functional Illiteracy with vocational Content Head: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Foundation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Duration: 2017 – 2020 Around 7.5 million people in Germany are functionally illiterate and around 20 percent of 15-year-olds are at or below level 1 according to PISA. “otu.lea” is an online test environment for functionally illiterate people and teachers in literacy (…) Duration: 2017 – 2020Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Lab Media and Education previous 123 next
Active DFG Network "Potentials and Challenges of Computational Communication Science Using the Example of Online Protest" The network is a DFG-funded association of a total of 18 renowned communication researchers working in the research field of CCS. The DFG will fund the network for three years from December 2021 with a total of around 120,000 euros. A total of 7 network meetings are planned, to some of which other researchers will (…) Lab Political Communication and Innovative Methods
Active Project IMPACT Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf & Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Funding institution: BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research The joint project IMPACT promotes the improvement of higher education through the scalable use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods for the (partially) automated analysis of texts. The fundamental aim of the project is (…) Duration: 2021 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Lab Media and Education Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies
Active AMBITION - Activists’ MoBile InformaTION The AMBITION project is a scientific pilot study on the news and media usage behavior of Fridays for Future supporters. The project examines the role of media and news offerings and the motivations for political action. For example, the aim is to find out whether and in what form news is used, whether this news (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, Patrick Zerrer, Philipp Krieter Lab Digital Communication and Information Diversity
Active Film Comedy after the Third Reich: On the political Aesthetics of Entertainment in Defector Films Team: PD Dr. Rasmus Greiner, Tatiana Astafeva M.A. Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Contact: The project aims to research German feature films from 1944/45 that were not completed or premiered until after the end of the Second World War. These approximately 60 defector films are of disproportionate importance for film theory and (film) history. (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: PD Dr. Rasmus Greiner Lab Audio-visual Media and Historiography Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture
Active Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence: The Communicative Construction of AI in China, Germany and the US Partner: Institute for Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) & German Research Foundation (DFG) Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered a key technology in today’s societies. Political and economic actors in many countries have allocated considerable resources to AI development, and the technology is the subject of (…) Duration: 2021 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology
Active Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies and Closure in Media, Policy and Research Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Anna Jobin, Laura Liebig, Licina Güttel Partners: Medialab at Sciences Po, Paris, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods (CIM) at the University of Warwick, and the NENIC Lab at INRS Montreal, as well as the Algorithmic Media Observatory at Concordia University Funding: Open Research Area (ORA) funding line from DFG, ANR, (…) Duration: 2021 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology
Remixing Political News Reception Funded by: German Research Association (DFG) Images not only present information differently from article texts, they are also perceived differently by recipients in sensory terms, processed differently in affective and cognitive terms and can therefore trigger specific effects. Although the use of images to convey political information has a long historical tradition and images are (…) Duration: 2020 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise Lab Political Communication and Innovative Methods
Completed Film History, Latin America and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge Film history, Latin America and the transatlantic circulation of knowledge: Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes’ international network Head: Dr. Ricardo Borrmann Funding: Central Research Department (ZF) of the University of Bremen This project examines the role of Latin American intellectuals and transatlantic knowledge circulation in film history by reconstructing the international network of the Brazilian film (…) Lab Audio-visual Media and Historiography
Completed All is Data. The Search for Knowledge in a digitalized World of Data All is data focuses on new requirements for educators (i.e. teachers, media educators, school social workers) with regard to the handling of digital data and data education as part of pedagogical action in schools. Team: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Adrian Roeske, Philipp Krieter Partners: University of Cologne, Technical University of Kaiserslautern Client: Federal Ministry of (…) Duration: 2020 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies
Active UseNews Project management: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann The useNews dataset has been compiled to enable the study of online news engagement. It relies on the MediaCloud and CrowdTangle APIs as well as on data from the Reuters Digital News Report. The entire dataset builds on data from 2019 and 2020 as well as a total of (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann Lab Digital Communication and Information Diversity
Active Platform Governance Archive (PGA) Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Funding institution: University of Bremen The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) is a project to promote a critical examination of the way platforms organize and govern our communication and activities. The project is a data repository and platform that collects and curates policies of major social media platforms in a (…) Duration: 2020 – 0000Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology
Completed Qualifica Digitalis Team: Dr. Stefan Welling, Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Sabrina Schlachter Partner: Fraunhofer Fokus, FÖV IT Planning Council The digitalization of public administration is changing structures, processes and work culture. Employees must be prepared for these changes and their consequences through appropriate training and further education. This presents public administration employers and the associated training (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies
Platform Governance and Copyright (H2020) Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Daria Dergacheva, Adrian Kopps Partners: HIIG, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Funding: EU – Horizon 2020 Social media platforms play an important role in the tension between freedom of expression and copyright. Services such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook check and delete videos, images and texts (…) Duration: 2020 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology
Completed The Face in Film and Media Art as an aesthetic Play with Identity and Criticism of Security Systems The project, which is affiliated with the ZeMKI Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”, explores the reflection of biometric facial recognition and algorithmically controlled security devices in contemporary photography, film and media art. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit and junior researcher Dr. Rasmus Greiner, the project will examine different aesthetic forms (…) Duration: 2019 – 2022Project lead: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture
Active Pioneer Journalism: The Re-Figuration of the Organization(s) of Journalism Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen (Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg) Participating institutions: ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) The fundamental aim of this research project is (…) Duration: 2019 – 2025Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization
Completed Digital Curating: Visual History of the Holocaust The project “Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age” is being funded as an Innovation Action with around 5 million euros as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The project will run for four years, starting in January 2019. The Holocaust is a central point of reference in European history (…) Duration: 2019 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture
Active Digital Constitutionalism Network Database The database of the Digital Constitutionalism Network (DCN), a global interdisciplinary network of academics, consists of a regularly updated data set of so-called “Internet bills of rights” (IBRs). Digital constitutionalism describes the political process of entrenching rights and principles into the global governance of digital technologies, specifically the Internet. Digital constitutionalism does not describe actual (…) Duration: 2022Project lead: Dr. Dennis Redecker Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology
Completed Digital extracurricular learning and educational Practices of young People Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf (ZeMKI, University of Bremen), Prof. Dr. Chrisitan Pentzold ZeMKI, University of Bremen) Participating institutions: ZeMKI, University of Bremen, RWTH Aachen University Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) In four sub-projects, the joint project investigates digital extracurricular learning and education-related action practices of young people in an interdisciplinary (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf, Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold Lab Media and Education
Completed Minorities and the Media. The Construction of religious Identity in Times of profound Mediatization Head: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorota Hall, Polish Academy of Sciences Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Media coverage of the refugee crisis has reinforced the tendency of media marginalization of the Christian minority. This has affected smaller Christian communities in particular, forcing them to rethink their self-perception in identity-forming discourses. (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler Lab Media and Religion
Completed Pioneering Communities - The quantified Self and Maker Movement as collective Actors of profound Mediatization Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) External collaborations: Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE), Prof. Dr. Sonia Livingstone (LSE), Dr. Mark Taylor (University of Sheffield), Prof. Dr. Gina Neff (University of Oxford), Prof. Dr. Michaela Pfadenhauer (University of Vienna), Prof. Dr. Fred Turner (Stanford University) Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Over the (…) Duration: 2018 – 2023Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization
Completed WeSIS Measuring socio-political development dynamics and inter-state interdependencies worldwide. Co-creation of the Global Welfare State Information System TP A01 in the SFB 1342: Global Development Dynamics of Social Policy. Cooperation of ifib with the University of Bremen. Team: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter, Hendrik Heuer, Gabriela Carolina Molina León Partner: SOCIUM University of Bremen Client: German Research (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies
Active DFG project "The sustainable provision of software for research on cross-media practices and digital traces" The basic aim of this research project is to further develop the media diary software MeTag and the Q-Sort or free sorting software MeSort and, in doing so, to develop a model of good practice for the provision of research software in the field of media and communication. Duration: 2018 – 2024Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Lab Datafication and Mediatization
Completed Datafied Cooperation with the Institute for Information Management Bremen, the Georg Eckert Institute – Leibniz Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI), the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg (HSU) and the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Collaboration: Irina Zakharova and Tjark Raabe The Institute for Information (…) Duration: 2018 – 2021Project lead: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Lab Socio-technical systems and critical data studies
Completed otu.lea Pedagogical online support Diagnostics for Adults with functional Illiteracy with vocational Content Head: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Foundation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Duration: 2017 – 2020 Around 7.5 million people in Germany are functionally illiterate and around 20 percent of 15-year-olds are at or below level 1 according to PISA. “otu.lea” is an online test environment for functionally illiterate people and teachers in literacy (…) Duration: 2017 – 2020Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Lab Media and Education