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Philip Sinner

ZeMKI Member Dr. Philip Sinner at the annual Conference of the ECREA-TWG Communication and Sport

From 9 to 11 November, the members of the Temporary Working Group will meet at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague to discuss current empirical projects and theoretical approaches to media sports, sports communication, mediatization, automation and datafication under the umbrella topic of “Sports Communication in Transition”. The conference will be (…)

Kerstin Radde-Antweiler (1)

Lecture by ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler will give a lecture on “The Discussion of Climate Change in Gaming Discussion Forums” in the panel “Building a better World through Videogaming?”. The lecture is on 09.11.2023 in Busan/South Korea as part of the 7th World Humanities Forum. More information about the program and the forum can be (…)

Dom Ford

Guest Lecture by ZeMKI-Member Dr. Dom Ford

On Wednesday, November 8, games researcher and ZeMKI member Dr. Dom Ford will give a guest lecture as part of his research stay at the University of Malta. In line with Dom Ford’s research, the talk entitled: “Approaching From Software’s Souls series as myth`at the Institute for Digital Games”, will focus on the notion of (…)


Building Trust in the Digital Age

Organized by Dr. Dennis Redeker, a panel discussion entitled “Building in the Digital Age: How to fight hate and misinformation on social media – in Georgia and beyond” will take place on 02.11.2023. When: 02.11.2023 – 17:00 to 19:00 hrs Where: House of Science Bremen (1st floor) Guests are Prof. Dr. Sergi Jorbenadze (Tbilisi State (…)

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ZeMKI Members at the CEEGS 2023

ZeMKI members Dr. Dom Ford and Bodil Stelter will be at CEEGS 2023 in Leipzig from 19 to 21 October. This year’s CEEGS is entitled “Meaning and Making of Games” and is being hosted by Macromedia University of Applied Sciences. Dr. Dom Ford will give a lecture entitled “The city, according to city builders: the (…)

Jens Pohlmann

Lecture by ZeMKI Member Dr. Jens Pohlmann

ZeMKI member Dr. Jens Pohlmann gave a lecture at the Department of Communication at the University of Davis in California, USA, on 12.10.2023. The lecture was entitled “Platform Regulation and Freedom of Speech in Germany/Europe and the USA”. In terms of content, the lecture focused on the initial results of the analysis of the discourse (…)

Anke Offerhaus

New Anthology published by ZeMKI Member Dr. Anke Offerhaus

The anthology “Medienvielfalt – Religionsvielfalt: Facetten der Transformation von Medien und Religion” from the book series “Medien, Kultur, Kommunikation” was edited by ZeMKI member Anke Offerhaus. The following texts by Anke Offerhaus were also published in the anthology: Media Diversity – Religious Diversity: Facets of the Transformation of Media and Religion (Introduction)) Online mourning also (…)


Refiguration of Public Communication Workshop 2023

From 5 to 6 October, ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp, Dr. Leif Kramp, Hendrik Kühn, Gino Krüger, Dr. Philip Sinner and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf met with their national and international colleagues for the workshop “Refiguration of Public Communication 2023” of the Network of Communicative Figurations, organized by ZeMKI, in Hamburg.

Dom Ford

Keynote by ZeMKI Member Dr. Dom Ford

Under the title “Oldenburg School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities”, a series of events will take place in Oldenburg at the beginning of October to promote young academics in the humanities and social sciences. When: 04. to 06.10.2023 Where: Smart House, Oldenburg On October 6, ZeMKI member Dr. Dom Ford will give a (…)

Leif Kramp

New White Paper on non-profit Journalism

ZeMKI member Dr. Leif Kramp is co-author of a study publication on the current state of non-profit journalism in Germany (“Non-Profit Journalism”). The white paper, which was written together with Dr. Stephan Weichert (VOCER Institute for Digital Resilience) and published by the Otto Brenner Foundation as workbook 112, reviews the current basis for discussion on (…)


Listen to the new Episode of the ZeMKI Podcast now!

In the third episode of the ZeMKI podcast, host Juri Fidora talks to ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, head of the “Platform Governance, Media and Technology” lab. Listen to the new episode here

Christian Schwarzenegger

ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger as an Expert at the Y-Kollektiv

In the report by the Y-Kollektiv (ARD) “Hitler memes at schools. Trivialization of Nazi ideology”, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger is interviewed as an expert. He explains why sharing Hitler memes does not necessarily have to be political, but why distancing oneself from them by claiming that they are just for fun is also (…)


Prize to ZeMKI Team

This year’s conference of the DGPuK Media Sports and Sports Communication specialist group took place in Stuttgart from September 20 to 22, 2023. The prize for the best institution was awarded for the ninth time. This year it went to a ZeMKI team. The winners were ZeMKI BA graduate Mirko Vopalensky and ZeMKI member Dr. (…)


New Book by ZeMKI Member Dr. Jens Pohlmann

Dr. Jens Pohlmann’s latest publication, “The Creation of an Avant-Garde Brand: Heiner Müller’s Self-Presentation in the German Public Sphere”, is based on the author’s dissertation. In terms of content, the book examines the critical relationship between the avant-garde and marketing using the example of Heinrich Müller’s self-presentation in the German public sphere. The cover of (…)

Christian Schwarzenegger

ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger at the Weiße Rose e.V.

On 27.09.2023, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger will discuss the question “History in social media format. Opportunities and risks” at the LMU Munich. The event is organized by Weiße Rose e.V. The reason for the discussion is the presentation of the book “@ichbinsophiescholl. Representation and Discussion of History in Social Media” edited by Mia (…)

Christian Schwarzenegger

Lecture by ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

This week, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger is taking part in the conference “The Politics of Populist Culture” in Kiel. In his lecture The Memefication of Populism. Commentary, Contestation and Camouflage in Digital Meme Cultures”, he explores the attractiveness of meme communication for populist abbreviations and exaggerations. Meme culture, with its ironic and affective (…)

Andreas Hepp

ZeMKI-Member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp in Cardiff

The “Future of Journalism 2023” conference will take place on September 14 and 15, 2023 at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture in Cardiff, Wales. ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp will give a lecture on the second day of the conference entitled “What does communicative AI “enable” in reporting? “Imaginaries” and “realities” of (…)

Andreas Hepp

Keynote by ZemKI-Member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp

“Theoretical modeling and empirical approach from a linguistic perspective” is the topic of the conference at the University of Zurich, at the German Department. ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp will give a keynote speech on the challenges of communicative AI on 10.09.2023. To the program of the conference


RECOV-19 Project Meeting at ZeMKI

At the end of August, the members of all four projects met in Bremen to discuss their results and plan the next steps. In this context, the first results of the group’s research on religion and digitalization in times of Corona were presented and discussed in a public lecture. The guests were colleagues from Canada, (…)

Leif Kramp

Lecture by ZeMKI member Dr. Leif Kramp

The Freiherr vom Stein Academy and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities are organizing the 1st German Local Press Day on 06.09.2023 in Bonn. At this event, ZeMKI member Dr. Leif Kramp will discuss the demands on modern (local) journalism. To the event page

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Lecture by ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Rainer Stollmann

The lecture by ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Rainer Stollmann “On the tightrope between feudalism and capitalism: Till Eulenspiegel in Bremen” took place on 01.09.2023 on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Till Eulenspiegel in Bremen” at the Focke-Museum Bremen.