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Academic Project Management

We are pleased to invite you to our workshop “Academic Project Management.” Effective time management and self-organization is a prerequisite for graduates. But how do you manage to structure your everyday life and keep your planning and goals under control, maintain an overview and avoid chaotic time pressure situations? This workshop explores these questions and (…)


Successfully Connecting Theory and Methods in the Thesis

We are pleased to invite you to our workshop “Successfully Connecting Theory and Methods in the Thesis.” Learn from Prof. Andreas Hepp, Prof. Christian Schwarzenegger and Prof. Stephanie Geise how to effectively integrate theoretical and methodological approaches in your thesis. The workshop is about reflecting on how theoretical work and empirical research can be related (…)


BeyondPlay 2024: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Mediatized Society

The International conference ‘Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Mediatized Society’ will take place from September 30th to October 2nd 2024 at the University of Bremen, Germany. The conference is hosted by the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung; ZeMKI)


Qualitative Interviews und digitale Verhaltensdaten

We are excited to invite you to a method-focused seminar on the integration of qualitative interviews and digital behavioral data, hosted by Lisa Merten from the Leibniz Institute for Media Research. The seminar will consist of various sessions aimed at exploring the utilization of digital trace data in conjunction with qualitative interviews. We will delve (…)


Dr. Julia Borst (University of Bremen): "How and Why Do Literary Scholars Study Websites? – Insights into a Research Project on Afroeuropean Activism in the Digital Space"

Recently, more and more people of African descent in Romance-speaking Europe have started to tell their stories online, re-appropriating the narrative of who they are and why they are here. The ERC-funded AFROEUROPECYBERSPACE project investigates how they use the internet to gain visibility and participate in knowledge production. Studying online magazines, blogs and other digital (…)


Prof. Dr. Anne Kaun (Södertörn University, Sweden): "Vanishing Act - An Ethnography of Digitalization and the Disappearance of Printed News"

In this presentation I engage with digitalization through the lens of disappearance, challenging the prevailing narrative of digital emergence and transformation. Guided by Jean Baudrillard’s idea that concepts emerge when things begin to vanish, the study focuses on the disappearance of printed newspapers as a case study. There are two main aims: first, to ethnographically (…)


Katharina Hajek (LMU Munich & UdK Berlin, Germany): "Constructing a Climate of Compliance – Understanding Resistance to Pro-Environmental Messages"

Does every restriction of freedom lead to the same resistance? In the lecture, Katharina V. Hajek will provide insights into a project funded by the Bavarian Institute for Innovation for Digital Transformation (bidt) on the measurability of reactance in the age of ‘wicked problems’ and focus on the question of how different types of reactance (…)


Prof. Dr. Nicola Righetti (University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy): "Coordinated Behavior on Social Media: Concepts and Tools"

Coordination is central to social and communicative behaviors online and offline. Recently, this concept has been incorporated into disinformation studies, focusing on inauthenticity and social media manipulation, thereby generating considerable attention. In this talk, I explore various coordinated behaviors on social media and discuss related detection and analysis methodologies. Investigating coordinated behavior on social media (…)


Dr. Matti Nelimarkka (University of Helsinki, Finland): "Navigating the Visual Turn in Digital Media: Methodologies and Challenges for Visual Big Data"

As digital media takes a decidedly visual turn, researchers delving into (social/digital) media adapt and refine their methodologies to handle visual big data. This talk provides an overview of my research team’s initiatives aimed at leveraging images as a substantive data source. We work on utilising machine learning for scalable image analysis or ‘images-as-data’, but (…)

How to successfully select, apply to and receive funding for summer schools

Summer schools are an important avenue to methodological competence, particularly in specialized and fast-moving fields of research. However, summer school applications often need to be prepared quite far in advance, making careful planning especially important. In this very practical workshop we discuss how to successfully select, apply to and receive funding for summer schools based (…)