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Audiovisual histospheres Experience and Reflection of Latin American contemporary History in fictional Film

Head: Dr. Rasmus Greiner ZeMKI Labs “Audiovisual Media and Historiography” and “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture” Foundation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Duration: 2017 – 2020 The project “Audiovisual Histospheres: Experience and Reflection of Latin American Contemporary History in Fictional Film” is funded as part of the “Small Subjects – Great Potentials” (…)

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Projekt - Video Game Development in Asia - iStock-890637862

Video Game Development in Asia Cultural Heritage and National Identity: The Philippines

Project management: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler (ZeMKI-Lab “Medien und Religion”) Research network/cooperation: University of North Carolina, Dalhousie University, University of Helsinki Funding institution: University of Helsinki Future Development Fund The role of media for the construction of cultural heritage and national identities is well accepted and partly researched already. However, much the research is so (…)

  • Completed

"Tinder the city" – Software-based scenarios against the crisis of publics in cities and surrounding areas

The economic crisis of regional newspapers continues as local news apps have yet failed to establish themselves. Researchers and software developers of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research and of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) are now trying to go a new, much more experimental way: In co-creation, together with future users, they developed an innovative mobile news- and information-app for young people in the city and its surrounding areas.
  • Completed

Shaping Interfaces, the Future Concept for Teacher Training at the University of Bremen

Project management: Dr. Karsten Wolf Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Project duration: 2016-2019 Under the guiding principle of reflection-oriented teacher education (reflective practitioner), the coherence of teacher education is strengthened by linking theory and practice and by interlinking the various elements of teacher education. Up to now, teacher training has often taught (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - CARO - iStock-855597364

Care Reflection Online

Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf (ZeMKI-Lab “Media Education and Educational Media”) Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), European Social Fund of the European Union (ESF) Project duration: 2016 – 2019 Learning using digital media is now widespread at nursing schools, and a wide range of eLearning materials are also available (…)

  • Completed

Digital media included!

Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf (Media Education and Educational Media) Research network/cooperation: Professorships of didactics in the subjects of German, mathematics and general education as well as work education with computer science, educational psychology and media education Funding institution: Deutsche Telekom Foundation The aim of the project was to implement the core areas of (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - Mobile Age - Tim Schütz

MobileAge Developing mobile online Services for and with senior Citizens

Project management: Dr. Juliane Jarke (ZeMKI-Lab “Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Data Studies”) Research association/cooperation: Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifb) Funding institution: EU Horizon2020 MobileAge was a three-year Horizon2020 project of the European Commission to contribute to the development of mobile-based, open administrative services for seniors to strengthen their public participation. A participatory design approach (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - nameko - iStock-459159891

naMeko Operationalization of Terms

Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter (ZeMKI-Lab “Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Data Studies”) Research association/cooperation: Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib), Technology and Education (ITB) Funding institution: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) On behalf of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), ifib and the Institute for Technology and Education (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - Untersuchung der Beteiligung von Beschäftigten und Personalräten in IT-Einführungsprojekten in Bundesverwaltung - iStock-512904938

Investigation of the Participation of Employees and Staff Councils in IT implementation Projects in the federal Administration

Project management: Prof. Dr. Sara Hofmann (ZeMKI-Lab “Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Data Studies”) Funding institution: German Civil Service Association (dbb), German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) In cooperation with the German Civil Service Association (dbb) and the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), this project investigated how employees and staff councils are involved in the introduction of (…)

  • Active
Projekt - Nur ein Klick - iStock-637118458-KatarzynaBialasiewicz

Just one click !? Bridges into the profession

Project management: Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research At the 10th It Summit of the Federal Government in Saarbrücken, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf presented an app prototype to support informal learning by means of explanatory and performance videos. The ZeMKI Lab “Media Education and Educational Media” (…)

  • Completed
Screenshot „Le voyage du ballon rouge“ (Regie/Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2007)

Film Aesthetics and Childhood

Project management: Dr. Bettina Henzler Funding institution: DGF Since the early days of cinema, childhood has been a common film motif and a recurring topos in film-theoretical and cinephile discourses. The complex of childhood and film touches on a broad spectrum of questions concerning aspects of the mediation and mediality of film: On the viewer, (…)

  • Completed

Dimba. Digital media in in-company vocational training. Media Appropriation and Media Use in the everyday Practice of in-company training Personnel

Research association/cooperation: Institute for Technology and Education (ITB), Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Funding institution: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) The project researched the use of digital media in in-company training practice and developed concepts and materials for training personnel. The focus was (…)

  • Completed

PosyMus Potential of Feedback Systems in Music Lessons

Research association/cooperation: Institute for Music Education Research at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media (hmtmh) Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Together with the Institute for Music Education Research at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media (hmtmh), we investigated the potential of feedback systems in music lessons in the (…)

  • Completed

Audio History. On the Production of History through Film Sound and Film Soundtrack

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Funding institution: Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments The project explored how film sound and film sound generate, model and make history audible, and thus represented an extension of the approaches to cinematic storytelling and visual history. The innovative core (…)

  • Completed
TAB-Arbeitsbericht-ab171 (1)

Digital Media in Education TAB Report

Funding institution: Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag As a comprehensive process of social change, digitalization is also affecting institutions in various areas of education. Education policy, research and the public have been dealing with the “new media” for over two decades, and their importance in education and training is constantly growing. With (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - The challenges of privacy, security and surveillance - iStock-502621707

The Challenges of Privacy, Security and Surveillance in the new emerging Communications Landscape

Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp Project staff: Johanna Möller, Anne Mollen Research association/cooperation: University of Tampere, Finland Funding institution: Helsingin Sanomat Foundation The political implications of media technologies have been discussed by society as a whole since the revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden about the spying activities of the NSA, GCHQ and, not least, (…)

  • Completed

Science Fiction Cinema and the European Union

Project management: Dr. Aidan Power (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Medienkunst und Populärkultur”) Funding institution: Exzellenz-Initiative von Bund und Ländern Examining select European science fiction films, while analysing key facets of production, this project questions dystopian representations of the European Union in light of prevailing concerns over social, political and economic crises. Long seen as a genre that (…)

  • Completed

Web-based documentary film at the intersection of discourse, technology and communitization: the Pragmatic Turn.

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Project collaborator: Dr. Stefano Odorico Funding institution: DFG Recent developments in digital technologies, as well as increased socio-cultural demands for participation, are changing and influencing our conception, design, reception, production and distribution of non-fictional audiovisual works. These developments form the basis for (…)

  • Completed

Towards a New Feminist Cinematic Resistance Movement in the Muslim World Women Filmmakers: Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Funding institution: Bremen-TRAC/EU Marie Curie COFOUND program The interdisciplinary research focused on a comparative study of the work of independent Muslim feminist women filmmakers from Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, who, since the late 1970’s, have shared similar, yet varying, histories of politically (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - Mediengenerationen - iStock-699962168

Media Generations. The communicative Construction of Community in mediatized Worlds

Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI-Lab “Mediatization and Globalization”) Research network/cooperation: SPP 1505 “Mediatized Worlds” Funding institution: DFG With advancing mediatization and in particular the mediatization push of digitalization, more and more diverse possibilities are emerging to create and experience communitization through media. After the focus of research in the first two phases of (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - Medienpass - LfM NRW

The Media Passport as an Instrument for Promoting Media Literacy

Comparative analysis based on the study on media integration in elementary school in North Rhine-Westphalia Research association/cooperation: Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) Funding institution: Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM) The Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM) has commissioned ifib to evaluate the Medienpass NRW project. Building on the results of the study “Media (…)

  • Completed

European Public Sphere. The Transnationalization of the Public Sphere using the Example of the EU: Citizens' Reactions

Research network/cooperation: Sub-project of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 597 ‘Statehood in Transition’ at the University of Bremen Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI-Lab “Mediatization and Globalization”) Project staff: Dr. Swantje Lingenberg, Dipl.-Pol. Johanna Möller, Dr. Anke Offerhaus, Anne Mollen, Monika Elsler The comparative analysis of the reporting of national newspapers in six European (…)