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Re-evaluating Governing Principles: Navigating the Integration of Generative AI in Everyday Communication Systems

Funded by: Zentrale Forschungsförderung (ZF), Universität Bremen Elevator Pitch This postdoctoral project examines the socio-technical impact of generative AI integration into communication ecosystems. Through policy analysis, expert interviews, and user surveys, I will reassess how platform values evolve amid ongoing technological and regulatory changes. Project Overview This research investigates the principles shaping generative AI regulation (…)

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Prototypes of social cohesion

Participating institutions: ZeMKI, University of Bremen, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), Hamburg Funding: Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) Facebook, X and TikTok promote radicalization and hate speech. Digital platforms and social media are therefore typically seen as problems when it comes to social cohesion. In contrast, this work package focuses (…)

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Informed by Influencers (INDI): Eine Frau schaut auf ihr Smartphone // A woman looks at her smartphone


The project Informed by Influencers (INDI) focusses on the way in which knowledge relevant to climate change is disseminated and consumed on social networks. The aim is to determine the proportion of social media posts on this topic and to examine the behaviour of users. In short, we want to answer the question of the (…)

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Reignite Multilateralism via Technology (REMIT)

The four-year EU Horizon Europe project REMIT (Reignite Multilateralism via Technology) creates policy-relevant knowledge on how technologies are governed globally. It further develops academic insights aimed to enable greater international cooperation on technology governance, specifically multilateral governance pathways. The scope of the project is broad, including the governance of technologies such as AI, blockchain, Internet (…)

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Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning in Digital Gaming (CoFi ILDG)

With the rise of participatory media over the past decades, a ‘new culture of learning’ (Gee 2008; Thomas and Brown 2011) has been described, in which people develop expertise in domains outside formal education, vocational training or structured apprenticeships. Ito et al. (2009: 17) coined the term ‘geeking out’ for media-rich informal learning processes, in (…)

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We The (Social) Media: Social Media by and for social Movements

Funding institution: BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research The aim of We The (Social) Media (WTSM) is to understand how members of social movements use social networks. This is important because millions of people use social networks to communicate, inform themselves and get in touch with each other. Social networks make it possible (…)

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Funding institution: BMBF – Federal Ministry of Education and Research Project duration: 2023-2026 Collaborative project for the utilization of STEM student laboratories for teacher training Student laboratories have proven to be enormously beneficial for motivation, especially interest, in the sense of subject-related motivation, in STEM topics and working methods. In addition, they were able to (…)

  • Active

Community Formation in Digital Games

Post-Doc Project Much research in game studies has focused on game communities and their effects on people and society. But with this project I argue that we need a better theoretical grounding for how game communities form, and how they are then negotiated and maintained. What are the forces, influences and affordances that shape this (…)

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molo.news: Research Network Tests Bremen News App

Following a successful test operation in Bremen, researchers are investigating how the news and information app molo.news can be made available throughout Germany. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing 1.5 million euros of funding for the project.
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Equality, Platform Governance and Wellbeing

Head: Prof. Dr. Chrisitan Katzenbach, Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero Lab: Platform Governance, Media and Technology Funding: YUFE Postdoctoral Program The project “Equality, Wellbeing and Platform Governance” investigates whether the rules and moderation policies of social platforms in relation to hate speech play a significant role in the discrimination and resulting wellbeing of minorities in Europe. (…)

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Platform Governance Survey: A Global Study of Public Attitudes Towards Content Moderation

Head: Dr. Dennis Redeker Funding: Swiss Federal Office at Communications (OFCOM) Social media platforms such as Facebook, X and TikTok are the “new governors” (Klonick) or “custodians” (Gillespie) of the Internet. The way in which they moderate global online communication has an impact on the communication practices of billions of people and can determine the (…)

  • Active

ReCov19 - The Changing Role of Religion in Societies Emerging from Covid-19

German Team: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Dr. Hannah Grünenthal International Team: Dr. Gladys Ganiel (Queen’s University Belfast), Prof. Dr. Solange Lefebvre (University of Montréal), Prof. Dr. Slawomir Mandes (University of Warsaw), Dr. Caoimhe Ni Dhonaill (Queens University Belfast, Mathieu Colin (Montréal), Denitsa Tsvetkova (University of Montréal), Dr. Marta Kolodziejska (University of Warsaw), Dr. Katarzyna Sienicka (…)

  • Active

Research field esports – Negotiating the notion of the nation and discussing value formations

Postdoc project Video game cultures are central parts of contemporary societies. In addition to economic interests, due to the economic significance of the video game industry, this also involves socio-cultural and political discourses. Video games and video game cultures can be understood as expressions of globalized media cultures. However, they also have to be perceived (…)

  • Completed

Exploring Cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse

The research and evaluation of long-term film-aesthetic educational processes Team: Dr. Bettina Henzler Funding: EU (Erasmus+) From 2022 to 2024, the University of Bremen has been a partner in the international film education project Le cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse, funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus+. The focus is on a (…)

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Gaming the Nation. An intersectional approach to nation, identity and gaming

The research project deals with the multiple entanglements of gaming and constructions of national identity by linking two research perspectives that are often perceived as contrary to each other - media aesthetics and communication studies. Particular attention is paid to the question of the extent to which concepts of national identity not only formulate "the own", but also "the other" in contrast to it, in order to find out to what extent constructions of nation within games can possibly transmit or even consolidate social inequalities in times of profound mediatization.

Political Polarization and individualized online Information Environments: A longitudinal Tracking Study (POLTRACK)

Project management: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, Dr. Sebastian Stier, Dr. Katrin Weller Project collaboration: Helena Rauxloh Funding: Leibniz Association The online information environment offers citizens a wealth of news and other content that is relevant to political opinion formation and varies considerably in terms of journalistic quality and political extremity. Politicians, journalists and academics have (…)

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Sub-Project INF: Further Development of the Global Welfare State Information System (WeSIS), eScience Services and Research Data Management

Project management: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter Funding institution: DFG – German Research Foundation The information infrastructure project (INF project) “Advancing the Global Welfare State Information System (WeSIS), eScience Services and Research Data Management” has four main objectives: (1) to further develop the Global Welfare State Information System and open WeSIS to the scientific community; (2) to (…)

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Alternative Media - Alternative Public Spheres - Alternative Realities? Users and usage patterns of system-critical alternative media and their significance in the media repertoire over time

The project researches the users of system-critical alternative media and their usage patterns over time. Alternative media critical of the system are strongly associated with the spread of misinformation, conspiracy myths and populist agitation and the risk of social polarization and even radicalization. However, they can also form important arenas for counter-publicity and legitimate social (…)