ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information ResearchResearch Article "Learning Together with YouTube?" in "Computers in the School"NewsPublicationZeMKI-News18. March 2024The Media & Education lab has published together with Christian Pentzold (Uni Leipzig) and Nina Altmaier (Uni Tübingen) a new article on collective learning practices in the journal „Computers in the School“:Although YouTube explanatory videos are a successful genre, there has been little research into the ways they form part of adolescents’ collective learning practices. To address this gap, the article examines the social relations and forms of collective interaction by which young people come to use explanatory content on YouTube. Our study of German pupils aged between 14 and 20 examines how and to what extent they engage with, view, recommend, and communicate about user-generated audiovisual instructions and explanations that cover school subjects and hobbies. The results show that the potentials of YouTube for collectively using learning- and education-related content often remain untapped, especially with respect to homework and the curriculum. While YouTube videos occupy an important place as a source of information for hobbies and school subjects, they have not prompted much collective engagement.Open-Access research article in the journal „Computers in the School“: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07380569.2024.2322166