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REMIT Conference Panel

ZeMKI member Dennis Redeker organized conference roundtable on global digital policy

ZeMKI member Dr. Dennis Redeker, member of the Lab "Platform Governance, Media and Technology", organized a roundtable on "Digital Governance between Multistakeholderism and Multilateralism" as part of the first conference of the EU Horizon Europe research project "Reignite Multilateralism via Technology" (REMIT). The conference took place on May 16 and 17, 2024 at KU Leuven and brought together academics with a policy audience from different areas of European and global technology policy.

Prof Dr Holger Böning †5. Mai 2024

Prof. Dr. Holger Böning deceased

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Holger Böning *December 16, 1949 – †May 5, 2024 The ZeMKI mourns the loss of its member, the long-standing spokesperson of the Institute of German Press Research in Faculty 9 at the University of Bremen. In the more than thirty years of his work at this institute, Holger Böning decisively advanced (…)


New Article: Multimodal AI-Framework for Formative Assessment in ePortfolios

Fatima Maya and Karsten D. Wolf have just published their new research article “An Architecture for Formative Assessment Analytics of Multimodal Artefacts in ePortfolios Supported by Artificial Intelligence” in the edited volume “Assessment Analytics in Education” (Springer Link) as part of the IMPACT-Projekt. From the abstract: “A key objective of higher education is to promote (…)

Andreas Hepp

New article by ZeMKI member Prof Dr Andreas Hepp: Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneer communities

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp has published online first a new article at New Media & Society on the topic of ‘Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneering communities’. Link to the article Hepp, A. (2024). Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneer communities. New Media & Society, Online First. doi:10.1177/14614448241253766

Katharina Heitmann

Publication of the PhD thesis of Katharina Heitmann-Werner

The dissertation of ZeMKI member Katharina Heitmann-Werner has been published by Springer VS under the title 'Zivilgesellschaft und Stadtöffentlichkeit - Eine akteurszentrierte Analyse der kommunikativen Figuration der Stadt' (Civil society and the urban public sphere - an actor-centred analysis of the communicative figuration of the city).

Blended Intensive Program_19

Erasmus+ "Blended-Intensive Programme" on global digital governance hosted at ZeMKI

In late April 2024, ZeMKI and the University of Bremen, hosted their first-ever Erasmus+ “blended-intensive programme” (BIP). Around thirty students and half a dozen instructors from eight universities across Europe participated in a week-long workshop designed under the theme “Digital Constitutionalism and the UN Global Digital Compact”. This in-person phase of the blended-intensive format is flanked by (…)


New ZeMKI Member in the Lab Media and Education: Welcome Hang Dao!

Hang Dao has been a research assistant and PhD fellow in the research area “Didactic Design of Multimedia Learning Environments” (Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf) at the University of Bremen and in the “Media and Education” lab at ZeMKI since April 2024. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and English Studies and went on (…)


Students Develop R Shiny Apps for Interactive Data Visualizations

As part of the class Data Journalism with R in the winter term 2023-24, students in the media BA and MA programs have created a set of interactive web-based apps to visualize and make accessible a range of datasets on different socioeconomic issues. These apps are based on R shiny and make it possible to interrogate quantitative information in a variety of ways.

Informed by Influencers (INDI): Eine Frau schaut auf ihr Smartphone // A woman looks at her smartphone

Prof Cornelius Puschmann presents the INDI research project at the BMBF in Berlin

Prof. Cornelius Puschmann from the Lab for Digital Communication and Information Research (DCID) will present the research project "Informed by Influencers?" (INDI) at the networking meeting of the funding projects of the Science Communication Research funding guideline on 7 May 2024 at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin.


Lecture by ZeMKI member Dr. Miira Hill at the University of Passau

On May 7th, ZeMKI member Dr. Miira Hill will give a lecture at the University of Passau on the topic of how commentators of the far right express their views on liberal values through social platforms. The talk offers insights into the intricate dynamics of political communication, especially concerning the misrepresentation of liberal values by (…)

Cornelius Puschmann (1)

Talk by Prof Cornelius Puschmann at the Leibniz Institute on predictors and contingencies of party-political online information searches

As part of the international symposium "Indicators of Social Cohesion in Social Media and Online Media", organised by the Social Media Observatory (SMO), Prof. Cornelius Puschmann from the Digital Communication and Information Diversity Lab (DCID) gave a lecture entitled "Watching the Greens? Predictors and Contingencies of Partisan Online Information Seeking".

Lab Puschmann

Several contributions from the DCID Lab at ECREA 2024

The Lab for Digital Communication and Information Diversity (DCID), headed by Prof Cornelius Puschmann, is presenting three papers at the 10th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Ljubljana.