(10) ZeMKI-News (10) previous 1 2 … 8 9 10 11 12 next News Info-Sessions on M. A. Programs at ZEMKI: Digital Media and Society, Media and Public Engagement ZeMKI is hosting a series of online info and Q&A sessions starting on January 15 about its M. A study programs: the established M. A. Digital media and Society, and the newly installed M. A. Media and Public Engagement. The M. A. Digital Media and Society is an English-language programme marked by an interdisciplinary focus, (…) 12. January 2024 News Call for Papers for special issue of merzWissenschaft: "Media, Media Concepts and Public Audience in the Digital Transformation" Submission deadline for a special issue of merzWissenschaft on “Media, Media Concepts and Public Audience in the Digital Transformation” ends on January 24, 2024. ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp is co-editor. The special edition of merzWissenschaft is published every December. This issue is dedicated to just one current topic, which it examines comprehensively and (…) 12. January 2024 News Job Advertisement: Research Assistant in the molo.news Project In the BMBF-funded project “molo.news”, we are testing the nationwide launch of a local news and information platform. In this project (headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp), the University of Bremen, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) has a vacancy for a Research assistant (f/m/d) Salary group 13 TV-L 75 % of regular (…) 9. January 2024 News ZeMKI Research Colloquium with Dr. Christoph Günther (University of Erfurt, Germany): "Of Snapwas and Tele-Dāʿīs: Audiovisualities of contemporary Muslim preaching" Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 When: December 20, 2023 – 16:15 to 17:45h Abstract: My paper explores the audiovisual design of videos by contemporary Muslim preachers. I hope to offer a broader perspective on this emerging field that considers the complexity of audiovisual material. I propose audiovisuality as a conceptual addition to existing (…) 14. December 2023 News New article by ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger published The publication is available here 11. December 2023 News New Article by ZeMKI Members Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach and Dr. Daria Dergacheva published in Policy & Internet Journal The article entitled “Mandate to overblock? Understanding the impact of the European Union’s Article 17 on copyright content moderation on YouTube” presents the results of a study that examines the potential overblocking due to copyright moderation and changes in the diversity of cultural offerings on YouTube in two EU member states of comparable size and (…) 11. December 2023 News ZeMKI-Workshop "Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning" The ZeMKI-Lab “Media & Education” is organizing the workshop “Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning” next Friday, as part of the research focus “Audiovisual Cultures”. When: 08.12.2023 – 9:00 am to approx. 3:00 pm Where: ZeMKI meeting room, Linzerstraße 4. Everyone is invited! Gladly also – if time or (…) 7. December 2023 News New Publication by ZeMKI Members Adrian Roeske and Andreas Breiter together with Colleagues The claim to measure education is as old as teaching and learning processes have been offered and organized in an institutionalized form. The aim was and is to improve and optimize learning and education. The central hope is to be able to better support individual learning through the collection of data and the use of (…) 7. December 2023 News Research Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Luca Rossi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): "Who likes visual protest?" When: 13.12.2023 – 16:15 bis 17:45 h Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 Abstract: In recent years climate activism has seen a resurgence of physical forms of protests. From the public marches of Fridays for Future to the more extreme forms of disobedience of extinction rebellion, more and more the physical bodies of the activists have (…) 6. December 2023 News Conference Participation of ZeMKI Members Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise and Michael Linke in Berlin On December 7 and 8, the conference Analyzing protest in the digital age: Challenges and opportunities in combining text and video sources will take place at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise and Michael Linke will present their current results in the creation of a multimodal data set for (…) 5. December 2023 News ComAI lecture with with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA) Tomorrow is the third “Communicative AI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability” at ZeMKI with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel: “The Relational Turn: A Techo-Ethics for the 21st Century and Beyond“ – “Person, Thing, Robot – European Tour” When: 5th December 2023 – 18:00-20:00h Where: Rotunde, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) If you are unable to attend (…) 4. December 2023 News Dissertation Prize for ZeMKI Member Dr. Rieke Böhling At the annual conference of the DGPuK specialist group “Sociology of Media Communication” in Mannheim, ZeMKI member Dr. Rieke Böhling was awarded the dissertation prize “Media – Culture – Communication” for her thesis “Mediated Memories of Migration”, which was completed in 2022. Rieke Böhling researched (media-)mediated memories in connection with the “guest worker” migration from (…) 1. December 2023 News Meeting of theCompetence Network lernen:digital In November 2023, a meeting of the lernen:digital competence network took place in Berlin, in which several ZeMKI members of Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter’s “Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Data Studies” lab took part. The meeting was intended to provide an insight into the strands and structures of the metaproject and offered the ZeMKI team the (…) 29. November 2023 News 5th December 2023: Third "Communicative AI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethiks and Sustainability" at ZeMKI with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel: "The Rational Turn: A Techo-Ethiks for the 21st Century and Beyond" - "Person, Thing, Robot - European Tour" We are excited to welcome Prof. Dr. David Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA) an our guest in Bremen and third presenter in the “ComAI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability” at ZeMKI. When: 5th December 2023 – 18:00 ti 20:00h Where: Rotunde, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) David Gunkel will talk about redefining the moral (…) 29. November 2023 News ZeMKI Member Dr. Philip Sinner at VII Research Meeting "Towards Development of Mediatization Resarch" On 27.11.2023 the VII Research Meeting “Towards Development of Mediatization Resarch” will take place. This year the meeting is organized in cooperation of the Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies – Department of Mediatization of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin with the Wroclaw Academic Centre and the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub (Poland). ZeMKI (…) 26. November 2023 News ZeMKI Research Colloquium with Dr. Victor Khroul (University of Bremen) When: 29.11.2023 – 16:15 to 17:45 Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 The research colloquium with Dr. Victor Khroul (University of Bremen) is entitled “Sacralization of the war in Ukraine in Russian mainstream an social media”. 23. November 2023 News ComAI Lecture with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE, UK) On 28.11.2023 is te second lecture form the series “Communicative AI Lecture: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability”. The guest is Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE, UK) with the topic “AI as knowledge capture and colonial landgrab”. When: 28.11.2023 – 18:00 – 20:00h Where: Rotunda, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Str.5, 28359 Bremen) If you can’t (…) 22. November 2023 News Members of the ZeMKI Lab Media and Religion give Lectures at the AAR ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Dr. Kathrin Trattner will discuss “The Last of Us and Postmdern Ambiguities” with international colleagues in the panel “Death, Dying and Beyond Unit” on Sinntag. D. Hannah Grünenthal, also a ZeMKI member, will give a lecture with Kerstin Radde-Antweiler on Monday on the role of religion in secular (…) 22. November 2023 News ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp at the 19th Interdisciplinary Conference of the JFF On 24.11.2023, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp will give a lecture at the 19th Interdisciplinary Conference of the JFF – Institute for Media Education. The title of this year’s conference is “VIVA LA GENERATION- The Generation Debate in the Media”. Andreas Hepp’s contribution in Munich deals with the topic “Generation App, Social Media and (…) 22. November 2023 News Lecture by ZeMKI Member Dr. Philip Sinner at the XXI Cyberspace Conference in Brno The XXI Cyberspace Conference will take place at Masaryk University in Brno on November 24 and 25, 2023. The conference is jointly organized by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Masaryk University and the European Academy of Lay an ICT. Together with Christine Trültzsch-Wijnwn (Charles University Prague) and Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnwn (…) 21. November 2023 News Tomorrow: 1st ComAI lecture with Prof Dr Julia Velkova (Linköping University, Sweden) Tomorrow is the first lecture in the series “Communicative AI Lecture: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability”. Our guest is Prof Dr Julia Velkova (Linköping University, Sweden) with the topic “Greening the cloud: data and energy entanglements in fiction”. When: 21.11.2023 – 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr Where: Rotunde, Cartesium building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) If you can’t (…) 20. November 2023 News ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach goes to the LSE as a visiting Professor ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach will join the Department of Media and Communication at the London School of Economics (LSE) as a visiting professor in 2024. During his stay from February to July 2024, he will work on topics ranging from discourses and developments in AI to the role of social media platforms in (…) 16. November 2023 News Lecture by ZeMKI Member Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero On 16.11.2023, ZeMKI member Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero will give a lecture at the GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne. She will be part of the opening panel of the Conference on Harmful Online Communication (CHOC), which will take place on November 16 and 17. The opening panel discussion with the topic “Harmful (…) 14. November 2023 News 5th Session of the "Conversations on Empirical Platform Governance Research" “Conversations on Empirical Platform Governance Research” will take place online for the fifth time on November 14th at 2:00 pm. Our guest is Zheyu Shang , she will give a talk on “Towards a More Inclusive Platform Governance: User’s Practices of Participatory Content Moderation on China’s Digital Platforms”. Zheyu Shang is a PhD candidate at (…) 14. November 2023 previous 1 2 … 8 9 10 11 12 next
News Info-Sessions on M. A. Programs at ZEMKI: Digital Media and Society, Media and Public Engagement ZeMKI is hosting a series of online info and Q&A sessions starting on January 15 about its M. A study programs: the established M. A. Digital media and Society, and the newly installed M. A. Media and Public Engagement. The M. A. Digital Media and Society is an English-language programme marked by an interdisciplinary focus, (…) 12. January 2024
News Call for Papers for special issue of merzWissenschaft: "Media, Media Concepts and Public Audience in the Digital Transformation" Submission deadline for a special issue of merzWissenschaft on “Media, Media Concepts and Public Audience in the Digital Transformation” ends on January 24, 2024. ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp is co-editor. The special edition of merzWissenschaft is published every December. This issue is dedicated to just one current topic, which it examines comprehensively and (…) 12. January 2024
News Job Advertisement: Research Assistant in the molo.news Project In the BMBF-funded project “molo.news”, we are testing the nationwide launch of a local news and information platform. In this project (headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp), the University of Bremen, Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) has a vacancy for a Research assistant (f/m/d) Salary group 13 TV-L 75 % of regular (…) 9. January 2024
News ZeMKI Research Colloquium with Dr. Christoph Günther (University of Erfurt, Germany): "Of Snapwas and Tele-Dāʿīs: Audiovisualities of contemporary Muslim preaching" Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 When: December 20, 2023 – 16:15 to 17:45h Abstract: My paper explores the audiovisual design of videos by contemporary Muslim preachers. I hope to offer a broader perspective on this emerging field that considers the complexity of audiovisual material. I propose audiovisuality as a conceptual addition to existing (…) 14. December 2023
News New article by ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger published The publication is available here 11. December 2023
News New Article by ZeMKI Members Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach and Dr. Daria Dergacheva published in Policy & Internet Journal The article entitled “Mandate to overblock? Understanding the impact of the European Union’s Article 17 on copyright content moderation on YouTube” presents the results of a study that examines the potential overblocking due to copyright moderation and changes in the diversity of cultural offerings on YouTube in two EU member states of comparable size and (…) 11. December 2023
News ZeMKI-Workshop "Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning" The ZeMKI-Lab “Media & Education” is organizing the workshop “Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning” next Friday, as part of the research focus “Audiovisual Cultures”. When: 08.12.2023 – 9:00 am to approx. 3:00 pm Where: ZeMKI meeting room, Linzerstraße 4. Everyone is invited! Gladly also – if time or (…) 7. December 2023
News New Publication by ZeMKI Members Adrian Roeske and Andreas Breiter together with Colleagues The claim to measure education is as old as teaching and learning processes have been offered and organized in an institutionalized form. The aim was and is to improve and optimize learning and education. The central hope is to be able to better support individual learning through the collection of data and the use of (…) 7. December 2023
News Research Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Luca Rossi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): "Who likes visual protest?" When: 13.12.2023 – 16:15 bis 17:45 h Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 Abstract: In recent years climate activism has seen a resurgence of physical forms of protests. From the public marches of Fridays for Future to the more extreme forms of disobedience of extinction rebellion, more and more the physical bodies of the activists have (…) 6. December 2023
News Conference Participation of ZeMKI Members Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise and Michael Linke in Berlin On December 7 and 8, the conference Analyzing protest in the digital age: Challenges and opportunities in combining text and video sources will take place at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise and Michael Linke will present their current results in the creation of a multimodal data set for (…) 5. December 2023
News ComAI lecture with with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA) Tomorrow is the third “Communicative AI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability” at ZeMKI with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel: “The Relational Turn: A Techo-Ethics for the 21st Century and Beyond“ – “Person, Thing, Robot – European Tour” When: 5th December 2023 – 18:00-20:00h Where: Rotunde, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) If you are unable to attend (…) 4. December 2023
News Dissertation Prize for ZeMKI Member Dr. Rieke Böhling At the annual conference of the DGPuK specialist group “Sociology of Media Communication” in Mannheim, ZeMKI member Dr. Rieke Böhling was awarded the dissertation prize “Media – Culture – Communication” for her thesis “Mediated Memories of Migration”, which was completed in 2022. Rieke Böhling researched (media-)mediated memories in connection with the “guest worker” migration from (…) 1. December 2023
News Meeting of theCompetence Network lernen:digital In November 2023, a meeting of the lernen:digital competence network took place in Berlin, in which several ZeMKI members of Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter’s “Sociotechnical Systems and Critical Data Studies” lab took part. The meeting was intended to provide an insight into the strands and structures of the metaproject and offered the ZeMKI team the (…) 29. November 2023
News 5th December 2023: Third "Communicative AI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethiks and Sustainability" at ZeMKI with Prof. Dr. David Gunkel: "The Rational Turn: A Techo-Ethiks for the 21st Century and Beyond" - "Person, Thing, Robot - European Tour" We are excited to welcome Prof. Dr. David Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA) an our guest in Bremen and third presenter in the “ComAI Lectures: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability” at ZeMKI. When: 5th December 2023 – 18:00 ti 20:00h Where: Rotunde, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) David Gunkel will talk about redefining the moral (…) 29. November 2023
News ZeMKI Member Dr. Philip Sinner at VII Research Meeting "Towards Development of Mediatization Resarch" On 27.11.2023 the VII Research Meeting “Towards Development of Mediatization Resarch” will take place. This year the meeting is organized in cooperation of the Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies – Department of Mediatization of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin with the Wroclaw Academic Centre and the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub (Poland). ZeMKI (…) 26. November 2023
News ZeMKI Research Colloquium with Dr. Victor Khroul (University of Bremen) When: 29.11.2023 – 16:15 to 17:45 Where: Room 60.070, Linzer Str. 4 The research colloquium with Dr. Victor Khroul (University of Bremen) is entitled “Sacralization of the war in Ukraine in Russian mainstream an social media”. 23. November 2023
News ComAI Lecture with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE, UK) On 28.11.2023 is te second lecture form the series “Communicative AI Lecture: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability”. The guest is Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE, UK) with the topic “AI as knowledge capture and colonial landgrab”. When: 28.11.2023 – 18:00 – 20:00h Where: Rotunda, Cartesium Building (Enrique-Schmidt-Str.5, 28359 Bremen) If you can’t (…) 22. November 2023
News Members of the ZeMKI Lab Media and Religion give Lectures at the AAR ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Dr. Kathrin Trattner will discuss “The Last of Us and Postmdern Ambiguities” with international colleagues in the panel “Death, Dying and Beyond Unit” on Sinntag. D. Hannah Grünenthal, also a ZeMKI member, will give a lecture with Kerstin Radde-Antweiler on Monday on the role of religion in secular (…) 22. November 2023
News ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp at the 19th Interdisciplinary Conference of the JFF On 24.11.2023, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp will give a lecture at the 19th Interdisciplinary Conference of the JFF – Institute for Media Education. The title of this year’s conference is “VIVA LA GENERATION- The Generation Debate in the Media”. Andreas Hepp’s contribution in Munich deals with the topic “Generation App, Social Media and (…) 22. November 2023
News Lecture by ZeMKI Member Dr. Philip Sinner at the XXI Cyberspace Conference in Brno The XXI Cyberspace Conference will take place at Masaryk University in Brno on November 24 and 25, 2023. The conference is jointly organized by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences of Masaryk University and the European Academy of Lay an ICT. Together with Christine Trültzsch-Wijnwn (Charles University Prague) and Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnwn (…) 21. November 2023
News Tomorrow: 1st ComAI lecture with Prof Dr Julia Velkova (Linköping University, Sweden) Tomorrow is the first lecture in the series “Communicative AI Lecture: ChatGPT, Ethics and Sustainability”. Our guest is Prof Dr Julia Velkova (Linköping University, Sweden) with the topic “Greening the cloud: data and energy entanglements in fiction”. When: 21.11.2023 – 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr Where: Rotunde, Cartesium building (Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen) If you can’t (…) 20. November 2023
News ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach goes to the LSE as a visiting Professor ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach will join the Department of Media and Communication at the London School of Economics (LSE) as a visiting professor in 2024. During his stay from February to July 2024, he will work on topics ranging from discourses and developments in AI to the role of social media platforms in (…) 16. November 2023
News Lecture by ZeMKI Member Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero On 16.11.2023, ZeMKI member Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero will give a lecture at the GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne. She will be part of the opening panel of the Conference on Harmful Online Communication (CHOC), which will take place on November 16 and 17. The opening panel discussion with the topic “Harmful (…) 14. November 2023
News 5th Session of the "Conversations on Empirical Platform Governance Research" “Conversations on Empirical Platform Governance Research” will take place online for the fifth time on November 14th at 2:00 pm. Our guest is Zheyu Shang , she will give a talk on “Towards a More Inclusive Platform Governance: User’s Practices of Participatory Content Moderation on China’s Digital Platforms”. Zheyu Shang is a PhD candidate at (…) 14. November 2023