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Andreas Hepp

New article by ZeMKI member Prof Dr Andreas Hepp: Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneer communities

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp has published online first a new article at New Media & Society on the topic of ‘Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneering communities’. Link to the article Hepp, A. (2024). Curators of digital futures: The life cycle of pioneer communities. New Media & Society, Online First. doi:10.1177/14614448241253766

Katharina Heitmann

Publication of the PhD thesis of Katharina Heitmann-Werner

The dissertation of ZeMKI member Katharina Heitmann-Werner has been published by Springer VS under the title 'Zivilgesellschaft und Stadtöffentlichkeit - Eine akteurszentrierte Analyse der kommunikativen Figuration der Stadt' (Civil society and the urban public sphere - an actor-centred analysis of the communicative figuration of the city).

“Imperfect Automation and the Human Fix”

New research article: Imperfect Automation and the Human Fix

Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach and Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero from the “Platform Governance, Media and Technology” Lab at the University of Bremen in collaboration with Leipzig University member Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold have published a new open access article in the Human-Machine Communication Journal titled: “Smoothing Out Smart Tech’s Rough Edges: Imperfect Automation and the (…)


New research article: Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube

Verena Honkomp-Wilkens and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf from the ZeMKI Lab “Media & Education” have published a new open access article in the journal MedienPädagogik on “Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube: Deconstruction or continuation of a gendered order in informal audio-visual educational spaces?” (DOWNLOAD). YouTube is an important social video network for teenagers (…)