The ZeMKI Persons Dr. Lisanne HeilmannPostdoctoral ResearcherResearch staffLab membershipLab Media and EducationContactBuilding/room: GW2 A2100Phone: 0421 218 691 41E-mail: l.heilmann@uni-bremen.deVitaLisanne Heilmann has been part of the working group on ‘media education’ at the University of Bremen and the ZeMKI since April 2024. Her research and teaching focus on questions of basic skills for adults, especially in the areas of media, politics and health. Special attention is always paid to social (power) relations and questions of democracy and diversity/difference. She completed her doctorate at the University of Hamburg in 2020 on subjectivation processes in adult basic education (Published under: Subject, Power and Literacy. Discursive construction of literacy and its quantitative consideration in the dispositivs of health and gender; She was part of the ‘LEO Study 2018 – Living with Low Literacy’ in which the reading, writing and basic skills of the German-speaking adult population were surveyed on a representative basis. She is currently working in the IMPACT project on new forms of support for university teaching through the scalable use of ‘artificial intelligence’/large language models and is researching the possibilities of critical learning and critical education in the context of social media and AI/LLM, especially on the TikTok platform, as part of her habilitation project.Main Research Areas: Critical media literacy Media education Civic education Basic education and skills Educational participation Use of AI/LLM in research and higher educationLast Publications: (2024) Politisches Lernen auf TikTok. Aushandlungen von Diversität in digitalen Räumen. Hessische Blätter [in print] (2023) Gemeinsame Aushandlungen und Widerstand gegen antifeministische und rassistische Rhetorik auf TikTok. In: Drücker, Ansgar/ Sang, Sebastian/ Winterscheidt, Lea (Hrsg.): Antifeminismus und Feminismen in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Düsseldorf: Reader für die Multiplikator:innen in der Jugend- und Bildungsarbeit. Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e.V. (IDA). (2023) Teilnahme und Nichtteilnahme an Erwachsenenbildung im Lichte subjektiver Begründungen. Ambivalente Befunde einer Hamburger Regionalstudie. Magazin (50); gemeinsam mit Christine Zeuner und Antje Pabst.