The ZeMKI Persons Jan RauAdvisory membersLab membershipLab Digital Communication and Information DiversityContactE-mail: j.rau@leibniz-hbi.deWebsite: Rau is a researcher in the Media Research Methods Lab at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut, working on its (Social) Media Observatory, a project for the Research Institute Social Cohesion. He holds an M.Sc. in Social Science of the Internet from the Oxford Internet Institute and has worked in the past with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and Princeton University. His PhD is based in the Digital Communication and Information Diversity Lab at the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research. His research focuses on the question of how the internet shapes and changes the political public sphere. Among other things, he deals with digital echo chambers, the spread of disinformation, social polarization and right-wing extremism.Most recent publications (Source: ORCID)Daniel Wehrend und Jan Rau (2024). »L’amour toujours«:Vom Liebeslied zum Erkennungszeichen der rassistischen Internationalen Shifting Image of Sweden Abroad: Framings of the 2022 Swedish Election in Traditional and Far-Right Online Media from the United States, Germany, India, and China. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics Wiedemann AND Jan-Hinrik Schmidt AND Jan Rau AND Felix Victor Munch AND Philipp Kessling (2023). Telegram in der politischen Öffentlichkeit. Zur Einführung in das Themenheft. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Co KG Rau (2023). Den Datennebel lichten. Neue europäische Regeln könnten die Forschung zu digitalem Rechtsextremismus erleichtern and challenges of a social media observatory as a DIY research infrastructure. Publizistik, Jan and Kero, Sandra and Hofmann, Vincent and Dinar, Christina and Heldt, Amlie P (2022). Rechtsextreme Online-Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten: Herausforderungen und Interventionsmöglichkeiten aus Sicht der Rechtsextremismus- und Platform-Governance-Forschung. Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts | FGZ Resultate Nr. 62. Hans-Bredow-Institut. SSOAR - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Philipp Rau and Sebastian Stier (2019). Die Echokammer-Hypothese: Fragmentierung der Öffentlichkeit und politische Polarisierung durch digitale Medien?. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft. 13 (3). 399--417. Springer Science and Business Media LLC