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Comparative Methods of Transcultural and Transnational Research (11.-12. October 2010)

From October 11 to 12, the ECREA Preconference “Doing Global Media Studies: Comparative Methods of Transcultural and Transnational Research”, organized by Michael Brüggemann (University of Zurich), Andreas Hepp (IMKI, University of Bremen) and Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw (University of Vienna).

‘Global media research’ is a communication science research approach that deals with the increasingly widespread phenomena of transcultural and transnational communication: Whether we are interested in news or entertainment formats, in internet or mobile communication, in mainstream or minority media, public and private communication increasingly crosses the borders of nations and cultures. But how do we deal with this methodically? What innovative methods do we need for media and communication research in a globalized world? What kind of empirical studies are needed for global media research?

The conference addresses the methodological challenges of comparative media research in the global age and critically reflects on the current state of transcultural and transnational communication. The 23 speakers from five continents will address the entire range of methods of global media research, from ethnography, network studies, content and image analysis to large-scale surveys and complex multi-method designs.

Sonia Livingstone (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Tristan Mattelart (Université Paris 8) have been invited as guest speakers and Friedrich Krotz (University of Erfurt) will give the closing lecture.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers:
Michael Brüggemann (Universität Zürich)
Andreas Hepp (Universität Bremen)
Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw (Universität Wien)
unter dgms[at]ecrea2010hamburg.eu.

Conference fee: 60EUR/30EUR reduced (includes catering during the conference and a joint dinner)

Please register for the conference on the website of the ECREA main conference in Hamburg: www.ecrea2010hamburg.eu

The conference is organized by the Network for Intercultural and International Communication (NIIK) and the International and Intercultural Communication Section of the DGPuK.

The event is supported by the Collaborative Research Center Statehood in Transition, the IMKI, the University of Bremen and Jacobs University.