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ComAI Lecture with Prof. Dr. Claes de Vreese

On November 26, the ComAI Lecture with Prof. Dr. Claes de Vreese (Universiteit van Amsterdam) on the topic "The AI Effect: How (generative) AI is reshaping discussions about elections and democracy" will take place at Bremer Presse-Club.


ComAI Lecture with Ralf Bendrath

On November 19, this semester's first ComAI Lecture with Ralf Bendrath (Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament) on the topic "How the EU's AI Act came about. Insights from a Negotiator" will take place at Bremer Presse-Club.


Lecture by Kerstin Radde-Antweiler at the workshop "Playing the Aggressor. Historical Conquest, Colonization, and Resistance in Video Games"

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler will give a lecture on November 16, 2014 on the topic “How to Deal with an Aggressor in Real Time? Digital Gaming as Part of Interpreting and Negotiating the Russian Invasion of 2022” at the University of Heidelberg. The workshop will analyze video games that reconstruct, model, or draw (…)


Report: Recov-19 Project “Between Faith and Pandemic”

A new report from the Recov-19 project on the topic “Between faith and pandemic – How Corona has changed religious communities” was published in the online magazine “up2date”. Easter 2020: Instead of together with tens of thousands of believers, the Pope celebrated the Easter mass alone with a few other clergy. Elsewhere, digital offerings flourished, (…)


Kathrin Trattner: Lecture ‘Was Barbarossa not German?!’

On November 5, 2024, ZeMKI member Dr. Kathrin Trattner will give a guest lecture at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna on the topic “‘Was Barbarossa not German?!’ Nation, History, and Identity in Gamer Discussions”. ‘What is the difference between a nation and a state?’ ‘Was Barbarossa German?’ ‘Are the Cree an actual nation?‘ (…)

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Hannah Grünenthal publishes article in "Social Forms of Religion"

ZeMKI member Dr. Hannah Grünenthal has published the article “‘Catholic’ and ‘Charismatic’. Two Logics of Legitimization and the Negotiation of Belonging in the German Catholic Charismatic Renewal” in “Social Forms of Religion European and American Christianity in Past and Present”. This article explores how the German Catholic Charismatic Renewal (GCCR) navigates its positioning in the (…)


Research Colloquium Prof. Dr. Christian Greiffenhagen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) with Rongyu Li (East China University of Political Science and Law) & Mark Perry (Brunel University London): "Resolving Ambiguity in Symmetrical Interactions: 'Do I Scan You or You Scan Me?'”

On November 6, 2024, the research colloquium by Prof. Dr. Christian Greiffenhagen, Rongyu Li and Mark Perry on "Resolving Ambiguity in Symmetrical Interactions: 'Do I Scan You or You Scan Me?'” will take place at the ZeMKI.


Numerous ZeMKI Members represented at the AoIR2024

From October 30, 2024 to November 02, 2024, this year's Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference will take place at the University of Sheffield, where numerous ZeMKI members will give presentations.


PGMT Lab at AoIR2024 conference in Sheffield, UK

The PGMT Lab is going to AoIR in Sheffield, UK, from October 30 to November 2, 2024. The conference brings together hundreds of academics, researchers and other participants for an interdisciplinary, multi-methodological look at the Internet.


New PGMT Lab Member: Dr. Rebecca Scharlach

We are excited to welcome Dr. Rebecca Scharlach as the newest member of the PGMT Lab at ZeMKI! In her postdoctoral project, Rebecca will explore the socio-technical impact of integrating generative AI into social media platforms.


Research Fellow: Dr. Piotr Siuda

From September to October 2024, Dr. Piotr Siuda (Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland) will be a Research Fellow at ZeMKI. His research focus is gaming. More information here.