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AoIR Flashpoint Symposium 2025 (2)

ZeMKI hosts AoIR Flashpoint Symposium 2025

The Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology (PGMT), at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, is hosting the next AoIR Flashpoint Symposium on 3-4 june 2025.

ZeMKI Fellowship 2025_banner

Call for applications: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellowship 2025

Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI.


ZeMKI research software in focus

In December 2024, the latest version of OpenQDA, an open source research infrastructure for qualitative data analysis, was presented at a workshop at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. A report on this has now been published by Roland Toth.


Out now: ZeMKI Research Report 2023/2024

The research report presents the diverse research activities at ZeMKI since fall 2023 on 164 pages. For the first time, special attention is paid to a focus topic, which is presented on a total of 24 pages: this year communicative artificial intelligence, or ComAI for short.

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Article published in Media and Communication

ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Dr. Erik Koenen, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf have published the article “Beyond Play: Researching the Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in Deeply Mediatized Societies” in the journal Media and Communication.


Workshop at ZeMKI to develop a YUFE BIP on platform and AI governance

On 2 and 3 December 2024, the “Perspectives on Platform Governance” workshop took place between researchers from four YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) partner universities at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen, Germany. Hosted by the Platform Governance, Media, and Technology Lab at ZeMKI, University of Bremen, and funded by the State (…)


ComAI Lecture with Jeremy Knox

On December 17, the ComAI Lecture with Prof. Dr. Jeremy Knox (University of Oxford & University of Edinburgh) on the topic "AI, Education, and Power" will take place at Bremer Presse-Club.