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Submission deadline for a special issue of merzWissenschaft on “Media, Media Concepts and Public Audience in the Digital Transformation” ends on January 24, 2024. ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp is co-editor.

The special edition of merzWissenschaft is published every December. This issue is dedicated to just one current topic, which it examines comprehensively and from different angles from a scientific perspective. The sections – spektrum, medienreport, publikationen, kolumne – are omitted here. The deadline for submitting abstracts is January 24, 2024.

The mediatization and digitalization of everyday worlds mean that media activities are no longer subject to boundaries. As a result, it is theoretically and practically impossible to use a classic concept of media to research and address media education for delimited parts of life time (TV time, radio time, Internet/PC time). Media, media-mediated relationships and non-media relationships converge, online and offline activities can often no longer be separated, as is made clear by terms such as ‘image activity’ or ‘information activity’. At the same time, the concept of media is essential in the formulation, design and application of central concepts of the discipline – for example, in determining the relationship between concepts of media literacy and concepts of digital literacy – and has implications for the goals and methods of (media) educational practice.

In order to discuss the question of an appropriate concept of media, media education seeks an exchange with its neighboring disciplines, above all communication and media studies, but also sociology, political science and philosophy, law as well as computer science education and other technological sciences. Theoretical and empirical contributions that can provide information on the requirements and determinants of a currently appropriate concept of media and related issues are welcome.

Abstracts with a maximum length of 6,000 characters (including spaces) can be submitted to the merz editorial team (merz@jff.de) until January 24, 2024 (extended submission deadline). Formally, the contributions should be based on the layout specifications of merzWissenschaft, which are available at https://www.merz-zeitschrift.de/manuskriptrichtlinien/. The length of the journal articles should not exceed a maximum of approx. 35,000 characters (including spaces). If you have any questions, please contact Susanne Eggert, phone: +49.89.68989.152, e-mail: susanne.eggert@jff.de

The complete Call for Papers is available here.