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The Academic Advisory Board of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen consists of five personalities who are internationally recognized for their special achievements in media, communication and information research and who enjoy the confidence of the Academic Senate and the Rector.

The members of the Advisory Board are appointed for a period of four years by the Rector of the University on the recommendation of the ZeMKI Steering Committee. Re-election or re-appointment is possible for a further term of office. The advisory boards are not subject to any orders or instructions.

The Advisory Board advises the ZeMKI Steering Committee on the preparation and implementation of the ZeMKI’s scientific work program and makes recommendations in this regard. It comments on the results of research projects. It advises the responsible bodies of the university and mediates in any conflicts that may affect the fulfillment of the ZeMKI’s tasks. As a rule, the Advisory Board meets every two years.

Current members of the Academic Advisory Board:

Former members of the Academic Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Maria Löblich, Free University of Berlin