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The ComAI research unit at ZeMKI

How does social communication change when generative artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly a part of it? The new research unit “Communicative AI: The Automation of Societal Communication”, which is coordinated at the ZeMKI and in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute, is dedicated to this question. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), “ComAI” investigates the technical, social and regulatory dimensions of AI-supported communication within nine individual projects and one coordination project.

With the ComAI Research Space, the research unit is creating a central space for analyzing public discourse on AI in various countries, observing current trends and researching the future potential of communicative AI. International collaborations, including with the Data Justice Lab (Cardiff University) and the Weizenbaum Institute, strengthen the research.

Individual projects at ZeMKI are dedicated to topics such as imaginations of communicative AI, governance by companies and the appropriation of AI in the areas of political discourse and education (see below).

Information on all other projects of the research group and current developments can be found on the ComAI website.