(2) Research Publications Working Papers (2) Working Paper Series “ZeMKI Working Papers” ZeMKI publishes the working paper series “ZeMKI Working Papers” (ISSN: 2510-9855) as a continuation of the series “Communicative Figurations Working Paper Series” (ISSN: 2367-2277), whose publications are available here and via the E-LIB document server (Digital Repository) of the State and University Library of Bremen. previous 1 2 next Working Papers No. 23 - Sarah C. Bishop: Kreatives Abschrecken: Ein Ländervergleich staatlicher Medienkampagnen zur Abschreckung Asylsuchender 1. January 2019 Working Papers No. 22 - Andreas Hepp, Susan Alpen and Piet Simon: Zwischen Utopie und Dystopie: Der öffentliche Diskurs um die Pioniergemeinschaften der Maker- und Quantified-Self-Bewegung in Deutschland und Großbritannien 1. November 2018 Working Papers No. 21 - Sandra Jeppesen: Digital Movements: Challenging Contradictions in Intersectional Media and Social Movements 1. September 2018 Working Papers No. 20 - Jörg Pukrop & Andreas Breiter: The influence of teachers' data competence on their acceptance of comparative tests and the potential of interactive feedback systems 1. April 2018 Working Papers No. 19 - Andreas Hepp & Wiebke Loosen ‘Makers’ of a future journalism? The role of ‘pioneer journalists’ and ‘pioneer communities’ in transforming journalism 1. March 2018 Working Papers No. 18 - Wiebke Loosen: Four Forms of Datafied Journalism: Journalism’s response to the datafication of society 1. March 2018 Working Papers No. 17 - Christine Lohmeier and Rieke Böhling: Researching Communicative Figurations: Necessities and Challenges for Empirical Research 1. September 2017 Working Papers No. 16 - Andreas Hepp & “Communicative Figurations” research network: Transforming Communications. Media-related Changes in Times of Deep Mediatization 1. March 2017 Working Papers No. 15 - Uwe Hasebrink and Andreas Hepp: How to research cross-media practices Investigating media repertoires and media ensembles 1. November 2016 Working Papers No. 14 - Wiebke Loosen and Jan-Hinrik Schmidt: Between proximity and distance: Including the audience in journalism (research) 1. June 2016 Working Papers No. 13 - Inge Marszolek and Yvonne Robel: The Communicative Construction of space-related identities. Hamburg and Leipzig between the local and the global 10. April 2016 Working Papers No. 12 - Juliane Klein, Uwe Schimank & Michael Walter: How to conduct interviews on media repertoires as routine practices – problems and empirical experiences 5. April 2016 Working Papers No. 11 - Andreas Breiter and Juliane Jarke: Datafying education: How digital assessment practices reconfigure the organisation of learning 1. April 2016 Working Papers No. 10 - Leif Kramp: Conceptualizing metropolitan journalism: New approaches, new communicative practices, new perspectives? 1. March 2016 Working Papers No. 9 - Michael Walter: Der digitale Kleinanleger. Praktiken der Unsicherheitsbearbeitung in Internetforen 1. December 2015 Working Papers No. 8 - Uwe Hasebrink: Kommunikationsrepertoires und digitale Öffentlichkeiten 1. February 2015 Working Papers No. 7 - Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, Andreas Hepp & Rebecca Venema: Communicative Figurations of Financial Blogging: Deliberative and Moralizing Modes of Crisis Communication during the Eurocrisis 1. January 2015 Working Papers No. 6 - Joan Kristin Bleicher & Sebastian Armbrust Zur Publikumskonstruktion durch Adressierungsformen des Fernsehens und Internetfernsehens 1. October 2014 Working Papers No. 5 - Andreas Hepp, Peter Lunt & Maren Hartmann: Communicative figurations of the good life: Ambivalences surrounding the mediatization of homelessness and the transnational family 1. September 2014 Working Papers No. 4 - Inge Marszolek und Yvonne Robel: Mediengeschichte als Geschichte kommunikativer Figurationen. Überlegungen zur Untersuchung von Identitätskonstruktionen im urbanen Raum 1. September 2014 Working Papers No. 3 - Nick Couldry: Mediatization and the Future of Field Theory 1. May 2013 Working Papers No. 2 - Andreas Hepp & Uwe Hasebrink: Human interaction and communicative figurations. The transformation of mediatized cultures and societies 1. April 2013 Working Papers No. 1 - Andreas Hepp: The communicative figurations of mediatized worlds: Mediatization research in times of the ‘mediation of everything’ 1. March 2013 previous 1 2 next
Working Papers No. 23 - Sarah C. Bishop: Kreatives Abschrecken: Ein Ländervergleich staatlicher Medienkampagnen zur Abschreckung Asylsuchender 1. January 2019
Working Papers No. 22 - Andreas Hepp, Susan Alpen and Piet Simon: Zwischen Utopie und Dystopie: Der öffentliche Diskurs um die Pioniergemeinschaften der Maker- und Quantified-Self-Bewegung in Deutschland und Großbritannien 1. November 2018
Working Papers No. 21 - Sandra Jeppesen: Digital Movements: Challenging Contradictions in Intersectional Media and Social Movements 1. September 2018
Working Papers No. 20 - Jörg Pukrop & Andreas Breiter: The influence of teachers' data competence on their acceptance of comparative tests and the potential of interactive feedback systems 1. April 2018
Working Papers No. 19 - Andreas Hepp & Wiebke Loosen ‘Makers’ of a future journalism? The role of ‘pioneer journalists’ and ‘pioneer communities’ in transforming journalism 1. March 2018
Working Papers No. 18 - Wiebke Loosen: Four Forms of Datafied Journalism: Journalism’s response to the datafication of society 1. March 2018
Working Papers No. 17 - Christine Lohmeier and Rieke Böhling: Researching Communicative Figurations: Necessities and Challenges for Empirical Research 1. September 2017
Working Papers No. 16 - Andreas Hepp & “Communicative Figurations” research network: Transforming Communications. Media-related Changes in Times of Deep Mediatization 1. March 2017
Working Papers No. 15 - Uwe Hasebrink and Andreas Hepp: How to research cross-media practices Investigating media repertoires and media ensembles 1. November 2016
Working Papers No. 14 - Wiebke Loosen and Jan-Hinrik Schmidt: Between proximity and distance: Including the audience in journalism (research) 1. June 2016
Working Papers No. 13 - Inge Marszolek and Yvonne Robel: The Communicative Construction of space-related identities. Hamburg and Leipzig between the local and the global 10. April 2016
Working Papers No. 12 - Juliane Klein, Uwe Schimank & Michael Walter: How to conduct interviews on media repertoires as routine practices – problems and empirical experiences 5. April 2016
Working Papers No. 11 - Andreas Breiter and Juliane Jarke: Datafying education: How digital assessment practices reconfigure the organisation of learning 1. April 2016
Working Papers No. 10 - Leif Kramp: Conceptualizing metropolitan journalism: New approaches, new communicative practices, new perspectives? 1. March 2016
Working Papers No. 9 - Michael Walter: Der digitale Kleinanleger. Praktiken der Unsicherheitsbearbeitung in Internetforen 1. December 2015
Working Papers No. 8 - Uwe Hasebrink: Kommunikationsrepertoires und digitale Öffentlichkeiten 1. February 2015
Working Papers No. 7 - Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, Andreas Hepp & Rebecca Venema: Communicative Figurations of Financial Blogging: Deliberative and Moralizing Modes of Crisis Communication during the Eurocrisis 1. January 2015
Working Papers No. 6 - Joan Kristin Bleicher & Sebastian Armbrust Zur Publikumskonstruktion durch Adressierungsformen des Fernsehens und Internetfernsehens 1. October 2014
Working Papers No. 5 - Andreas Hepp, Peter Lunt & Maren Hartmann: Communicative figurations of the good life: Ambivalences surrounding the mediatization of homelessness and the transnational family 1. September 2014
Working Papers No. 4 - Inge Marszolek und Yvonne Robel: Mediengeschichte als Geschichte kommunikativer Figurationen. Überlegungen zur Untersuchung von Identitätskonstruktionen im urbanen Raum 1. September 2014
Working Papers No. 2 - Andreas Hepp & Uwe Hasebrink: Human interaction and communicative figurations. The transformation of mediatized cultures and societies 1. April 2013
Working Papers No. 1 - Andreas Hepp: The communicative figurations of mediatized worlds: Mediatization research in times of the ‘mediation of everything’ 1. March 2013