The ZeMKI Persons Victor KhroulResearch AssociateResearch staffLab membershipLab Media and ReligionContactBuilding/room: C6250Victor Khroul, Ph.D., Dr. habil., is a researcher at University Bremen and member of the ZeMKI Lab „Media and Religion”. He is also an associate member of Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) and non-residential fellow of Center for Media, Data and Society, Democracy Institute of Central European University (Budapest, Hungary).After holding several offices and professorships, such as being co-chair of the Religion and Communication working group in the International Association for Media & Communication Research (2012-2018) and a Professor, School of Media, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia, till 2022), he is now supplementing the Lab „Media and Religion“ with his research on Religion in the Covid-Pandemic in Russia and Belarus.In 2022 he received a honorary Award for the “Sciences, Arts and Peace” from Royal Academy of Belgium.