The ZeMKI Persons Dr. Vesi VukovićPostdoctoral ResearcherResearch staffLab membershipLab Film, Media Art and Popular CultureContactE-mail: ve_vu@uni-bremen.deVesi Vuković has been part of the Yufe4Postdoc programme in the ‘Film, Media Art and Popular Culture’ lab at the IKFK since March 2024.In 2004, she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Directing at the University of Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina.This was followed by a Master of Arts at the Kyoto University of Arts and Design in Japan in 2011.Between 2014 and 2022, Vuković worked on her phd in Film Studies and Visual Culture at the University of Antwerp in Belgium.Most recent publications (Source: ORCID)Freedom smothered: Gang rape as patriarchal punishment of emancipated women in Yugoslav new film. Alphaville: journal of film and screen media Vukovic (2023). Human as Animal: The Films of Dušan Makavejev and Shohei Imamura. Зборник радова Факултета драмских уметности. 2023 (43). 25--42 in the wave : representation of female characters in Yugoslav New Film and Black Wave Vukovic (2021). Yugoslav(i)a on the margin: sexual taboos, representation, nation and emancipation in Želimir Žilnik’s Early Works (1969). Studies in Eastern European Cinema. 1--24. Informa UK Limited Vukovic (2021). Of bees, birds, trees, and women: iconography, superstition and victimization of female characters in Yugoslav New Film. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication. 28 (37). 285--307. Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan Women: Representation of Female Characters as Traitors of the Nation in Partisan-themed Yugoslav New Films. Balkan Cinema and the Great Wars: Our StoryCinematic Suicide: Representations of Working Women in Yugoslav New Film. Apparatus: Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Central and Eastern EuropeJolted Reader. Jolted images: unbound analytic, by Pavle Levi, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 216 pp., €29.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-94-62-98361-8. Studies in Eastern European CinemaViolated sex: rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black wave cinema. Studies in Eastern European Cinema