The ZeMKI Persons Prof. Dr. habil. Sigrid KannengießerFormer membersLab membershipLab Datafication and MediatizationCVProf. Dr. habil. Sigrid Kannengießer was a professor and previously deputy professor of communication and media studies with a focus on media society at the University of Bremen. Since 2022, she has been Professor of Communication Studies with a focus on media sociology at the University of Münster. She turned down appointments at the University of Paderborn and Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen.Prior to her appointment as professor, she was scientific director of the artec Research Center for Sustainability at the University of Bremen and a research assistant at the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research, the Center for Transnational Studies at the Universities of Oldenburg and Bremen and the Department of Language, Literature and Media at the University of Hamburg.Her habilitation project “Digitale Medien und Nachhaltigkeit. Medienpraktiken für ein gutes Leben” was funded as an ‘Eigenes Postdoc-Projekt’ by the Central Research Funding of the University of Bremen and her doctorate on ”Translokale Ermächtigungskommunikation. Medien. Globalisierung. Frauenorganisationen” by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Her dissertation was awarded the Bremen Study Prize.She studied film and television studies and political science at the Ruhr University in Bochum and media culture and political science at the University of Hamburg, where she completed her master’s degree.Sigrid Kannengießer was spokesperson for the DGPuK sociology of media communication group and is co-editor of the book series Medien – Kultur – Kommunikation (Springer VS) and Critical Studies in Media and Communication (transcript)