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Philipp Kessling is a Junior Researcher in the Media Research Methods Lab at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) since June 2021.
He holds degrees in communication design and time-based media and has worked from 2017 to 2021 for the Hamburg UAS’ Competence Center Communication under Prof. Dr. Christian Stöcker.
His interests lay in both computational social science and network science, as well as media production and immersive media.
- Kessling, P., & Görne, T. (Eds.). (2019). KLG 2017. Klingt gut! 2017 – International Symposium on Sound (Vol. 1). EasyChair.
Wiedemann, G., Schmidt, J.-H., Rau, J., Münch, F.V., Kessling, P. (Eds.). (2023). Telegram in der politischen Öffentlichkeit. M&K, Nomos-Verlag. - Kessling, P., Münch, F. V., & Wiedemann, G. (2023). Gelöschte Tweets im Bundestagswahlkampf 2021. In M. Fuchs & M. Motzkau (Eds.), Digitale Wahlkämpfe (pp. 163–183). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Schmidt, J.-H., Kessling, P., Nasser, F., Linnekugel, C., & Moradi, J. (2023). Die Kandidierenden in sozialen Medien: Ein Vergleich der Bundestagswahlkämpfe 2017 und 2021. In M. Fuchs & M. Motzkau (Eds.), Digitale Wahlkämpfe (pp. 27–37). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Wiedemann, G., Münch, F. V., Rau, J. P., Kessling, P., & Schmidt, J.-H. (2023). Concept and challenges of a social media observatory as a DIY research infrastructure. Publizistik.