The ZeMKI Persons Foto: Julia MetzPatrick ZerrerResearch AssociateResearch staffLab membershipLab Digital Communication and Information DiversityContactBuilding/room: LIN 4 / 41.300Phone: 67634E-mail: pzerrer@uni-bremen.deWebsite: @pzerrer.bsky.socialVitaPatrick Zerrer has been working as a research assistant at the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research since April 2020. In the Laboratory for Digital Communication and Information Diversity, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, he is dedicated to the systematic investigation of digital media use using quantitative and automated methods (CSS, R, scraping, mobile tracking, etc.).From December 2017 to February 2020, Patrick Zerrer worked as an assistant at the Institute of Communication Science in Jena as part of a DFG project. The research project focused on the investigation of deliberative interactions in online user comments. In his role as a research assistant, Patrick actively supported the data collection and analysis.Prior to his current position, Patrick earned his Master of Arts in Public Communication at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena from October 2017 to February 2020. He deepened his interest in social, sociological and political topics during his studies at the University of Passau, where he studied Governance and Public Policy – Political Science from September 2013 to September 2017 and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts.Research interests Digital and mobile news & information usage Analysis and evaluation of (mobile) tracking data (Climate) protest in a digital media environmentTeaching Introduction to quantitative research designs and data analysis (seminar) Design and implementation of an online survey (seminar) Collaboration in the redesign of the teaching module and publication of the online textbook “Introduction to quantitative research designs and data analysis” as part of the SKILL projectMost recent publications (Source: ORCID)Zerrer, Patrick (2024). Political action and news use of the Fridays for Future Movement in Germany. Universitt Bremen the Mobile Media Mosaic: Analyzing news repertoires combining individual moible and desktop tracking data. ECREA 2024Climate advocacy in a mlutli-platform environment: Networked coalitions of German climate protestors. ECREA 2024Puschmann, Cornelius and Stier, Sebastian and Zerrer, Patrick and Rauxloh, Helena (2024). Politicized and Paranoid? Assessing Attitudinal Predictors of Alternative News Consumption. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Informa UK Limited Topics Across All Apps and Media Formats: Mobile Keyword Tracking as a Privacy-Friendly Data Source in Mobile Media Research preserving the (Digital Media) Environment. Advocacy Coalitions of Lützerath Climate Protests. IC2S2 2023Mobil, politisch informiert & engagiert?. Nutzungsmuster, Informationsrepertoires und politische Partizipation. DGPuK 2023Can I record your Keywords?. Mobile Keyword Tracking as a Data Source. ICA 2023What is happening inside?. Video-based mobile screen logging of young activists’ news consumption. ICA 2022Users’ Political Motivations in Comment Sections on News Sites. International Journal of Communication. 16