The ZeMKI Persons Paola LopezResearch AssociateResearch staffLab membershipLab Socio-technical systems and critical data studiesContactBuilding/room: Am Fallturm 1, TAB Raum 3.88Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 – 56573E-mail: lopez@uni-bremen.dePaola Lopez is a mathematician and has been a researcher at the AG Information Management since 2024. She is currently finalizing her interdisciplinary PhD at the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna. In her thesis, she examines the state use of algorithmic systems and ensuing questions of (in)justice. Her publications include work on the “AMS algorithm” in Austria. She is an associate researcher in the research group “Technology, Power, and Domination” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin and a Research Fellow at the Department for Innovation and Digitalization in Law at the University of Vienna. She has been the author of the “KI-Kolumne” in the German magazine Merkur since 2024.Research interests Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in AI Critical Data Studies Staatlicher Einsatz von algorithmischen Systemen Rechtsphilosophie Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Science and Technology Studies