The ZeMKI Persons Dr. Dr. Lisa KienzlFormer membersLab membershipLab Media and ReligionContactWebsite: https://www.lisakienzl.comLinkedin: Kienzl is a postdoctoral researcher in the area of media, religion and culture. She is a member in the lab media and religion at the ZeMKI and part of the interdisciplinary and collaborative research platform Worlds of Contradiction (WoC). She holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology and in Religious Studies. Her research interests include religion and identity formations in digital media, visual material culture in contemporary and historic settings, qualitative methods, such as digital anthropology, and the transformations of religion, gender as well as the notion of the nation in popular and gaming cultures.Research Focus Religion, Gender, Identity Nation(alism) Gaming Cultures Media anthropology Historical anthropologyMost recent publications (Source: ORCID)Book Review of Haider-Wilson, Barbara. 2021. Österreichs friedlicher Kreuzzug 1839–1917. Das Heilige Land in Außenpolitik, Gesellschaft und Mentalitäten der Habsburgermonarchie.. Religion in Austria, Volume 9Redefreiheit, Nation und die Konstruktion des Anderen. Eine Analyse der Online-Berichterstattung zur Blitzchung-Kontroverse in US-amerikanischen Tageszeitungen. Marketa Spiritova / Manuel Trummer (Ed.). Pop the Nation! Das Nationale als Ressource und Argument in Kulturen populärer Unterhaltung und Vergnügung (= Kulturen populärer Unterhaltung und Vergnügung, Band 6), 233-250. it yourself!? (Digital) practices in Roman Catholic communities in Austria during Covid-19.. Religious Identity and the media, Lisa; Trattner, Kathrin and Hemet, Raphaela: Sexuelle und religiöse Grenzüberschreitungen: Monströse Weiblichkeiten im Film. Symposium "Dämon:innen, Ketzer:innen, Heilige. Formen religiöser Devianz in Text und Bild Vernetzung denken. Idee und Umsetzung des Projektes „Mapping Religionswissenschaft: Vernetzen – Vertiefen – Sichtbar Machen“. Marginalien. Religionswissenschaftliche Randbemerkungen, Christopher and Kienzl, Lisa: Ritual. Digital Religion Understanding Religious Practice in Digital Media review of August E. Grant / Amanda F. C. Sturgill / Chiung Hwang Chen / Daniel A. Stout (eds.): Religion OnlineHow Digital Technology Is Changing the Way We Worship and Pray.. Media and Religion in (Post)Colonial Societies: Dynamics of Power and Resistance, edited by Philippe Bornet, Stefanie Knauss and Alexander D. Ornella. Journal for Religion, Film and Media 7(2) of Norse Mythology and Paganism in Fan Culture Discussed on the Example of the Television Series American Gods and Jordskott.. American Academy of Religion (AAR), Value Systems and Esports? Thoughts on Analytical Approaches towards Communication and Negotiation of Values, Norms and Meaning Making Processes within European Esports Communities.. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), Kathrin and Kienzl, Lisa: Round Table Discussion on Nation(alism), Identity and Video Gaming with Megan Condis, Marijam Didžgalvytė, Georg Hobmeier and Souvik Mukherjee. gamevironments 11 (Dezember 2019)