The ZeMKI Persons Dr. Kathrin Trattner Research AssociateResearch staff Lab membershipLab Media and ReligionContactBuilding/room: Sportturm (SpT) C6170Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 679 13E-mail: Most recent publications (Source: ORCID)Between Feminist Solidarity and “Bible-Verse-Throwers”. Catholic Feminist Activists on Social Media and Experiences of Agency. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture Deutungskämpfe um 'Historische Authentizität' in Gamerdiskussionen. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Kathrin (2023). Gaming the Nation. A Research Report. . gamevironments. 18 (18). 75–91 at The Heart of Gaming. A Critical Retrospective of gamescom 2019. gamevironmentsSpecial Issue “Nation(alism), Identity and Video Gaming”, edited by Lisa Kienzl and Kathrin Trattner. gamevironmentsRound Table Discussion on Nation(alism), Identity and Video Gaming with Megan Condis, Marijam Didzgalvyte, Georg Hobmeier and Souvik Mukherjee. gamevironmentsIntroduction. Thoughts on the entanglement of the concepts and notions of a nation, nationalism and identity in relation to video games and gaming culture. gamevironments’Für die sind wir fanatische Spinner.’ Bilder des Islam und (De)konstruktion von Orientalismen in Persepolis.. Weltentwürfe im Comic/filmDigitale Orientalismen. Imaginationen des War on Terror in Kriegsspielen. Weltmaschinen. Digitale Spiele als globalgeschichtliches PhänomenPlaying With Power. Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method for Studying Religion and Video Games. 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Media, Religion, and Culture