The ZeMKI Persons Prof. Dr. Inge Marszolek (†)Former membersIn memory of Prof. Dr. Inge MarszolekWith the loss of Inge Marszolek, the ZeMKI has lost a long-standing and committed member: Originally coming from the fields of history and cultural history, Prof. Dr. Inge Marszolekwas involved in many collaborative research projects in recent years. On the one hand, she contributed her well-founded and critical expertise in media history. On the other hand, she was a committed gender researcher and power analyst who repeatedly showed us where we were blind to relevant issues. Especially the collaborative research in the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” in particular benefited greatly from her expertise. In addition to her work, many of us remember cooking together, the meetings and parties on her roof terrace, and going to the movies and public viewings together. Inge supported many with her experience: younger people at the start of their careers, whom she supported considerably with her circle of doctoral students, among others. But also older people, whom she repeatedly pointed out the inherent dynamics of the university as an institution. Her sudden death tore Inge from the midst of our joint work and research. We will remember her as a committed, enriching, energetic and cheerful colleague.