The ZeMKI Persons Hendrik KühnResearch AssociateResearch staffLab membershipLab Datafication and MediatizationContactBuilding/room: Linzer Straße 6 (LINZ6) 61.011Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 676 26E-mail: hkuehn@uni-bremen.deWebsite: Kühn has been working as a researcher (project employee) at the Center for Communication, Media and Information Sciences (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen since July 2018 in the DFG-funded project “Pioneer Journalism: The re-figuration of journalism’s organizational foundations”. Before a stay abroad in Brazil, where he wrote novels and short stories and taught German for beginners, he worked in the organization of the Goethe University Frankfurt and in online market research. He spent his practical semester at the research department of the BStU Berlin and has researched the history of opposition and resistance in the G.D.R. He studied sociology at the University of Bielefeld, where he specialized in media sociology, sociological theory, qualitative social research, political sciences and philosophy, and graduated with distinction. His thesis about Heidegger, the intersubjectivity problem and its relevance for the sociological theory was awarded the prize of the Faculty of Sociology for the best theoretical thesis.Most recent publications (Source: ORCID)Andreas Hepp and Wiebke Loosen and Hendrik Khn and Paul Solbach and Leif Kramp (2021). Die Figuration des Pionierjournalismus in Deutschland: Akteure und Experimentierbereiche. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft. 69 (4). 551--577 Was ist der Mensch und wo geht er hin?. Velbrück Wissenschaft Magazin Khn (2020). Theorie der Singularitäten. Eine Lektüre von Giorgio Agambens ›Die kommende Gemeinschaft‹. Velbrück Wissenschaft