The ZeMKI Persons Dr. Amrei SanderResearch Associate (PostDoc)Research staffLab membershipLab Media and ReligionContactE-mail: amsander@uni-bremen.deVitaDr. Amrei Sander is a religious studies scholar and sociologist and has been a research associate in the project “The Changing Role of Religion in Societies Emerging from Covid-19” at the ZeMKI since 2024.She studied Religious Studies and Sociology at the University of Potsdam, completed the Master of Arts “Religion and Culture” at the Humboldt University of Berlin and received her PhD in Sociology of Religion there. She is a member of the Association for the Sociology of Religion and on the Scientific Advisory Board of the book series “Religious Studies in Interfaith Contexts” published by LIT Verlag.Main Research Areas: Gender and Religion Sociology and Theology of Free Churches in Germany Islamic Reform Movements of the Present, especially in Germany Feminist TheologyPublications: Sander, Amrei: „Von der ‚Bedeutung des Gefühls‘ in der feministisch positionierten teilnehmenden Beobachtung.“ In: Mausolf, Jasmin/Zemmrich, Eckhard (Hrsg.): „Vielfalt und Anerkennung/Facetten religionsbezogener Forschung imKontakt zu Andreas Feldtkeller“, S. 101-106. Sander, Amrei: „Salafismus/Salafiyya als Historische Reformbewegung und ihr Einfluss auf Islamische Strömungen der Gegenwart.” Evangelische Theologie 79, Nr. 3 (2019), S. 193-209. Sander, Amrei: „Berührungspunkte feministischer islamischer und christlicher Theologie.“ George-Anawati-Stiftung (published online in 2016, Sander, Amrei: „Kein Ausschluss durch Sprache.” Humboldt Chancengleich 7, Nr. 11 (2015), S. 38.