The ZeMKI Persons Alessandro BelliResearch AssociateResearch staffLab membershipLab Datafication and MediatizationContactBuilding/room: Linzer Straße 6 (LINZ6) 61.020E-mail: belli@uni-bremen.deWebsite: https://www.alessandrobelli.itVitaSince September 2018, Alessandro Belli has been a research assistant in the project “The sustainable provision of software for cross-media practices and digital traces research – A ‘co-creation approach’ for developing an infrastructure model for the digital diary and sorting apps MeTag and MeSort.” Additionally, he contributed to the development of OpenQDA, a collaborative qualitative research software.Prior to this, Alessandro worked in various companies as a software developer with a focus on multimedia and artistic perspective. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Art, specializing in programming for multimedia platforms. This was followed by a Master’s degree in Music, with a focus on sound design and music programming.FacultyMedia culture and communication theoryResearch FocusCommunication and media studies with an emphasis on media culture and communication theoryMemberships Ecrea DGPuKMost recent publications (Source: ORCID)Belli, Alessandro and Hohmann, Florian and Hepp, Andreas (2024). MeSort. Zenodo. Zenodo, Alessandro and Kster, Jan and Hohmann, Florian and Sinner, Philip and Krger, Gino and Wolf, Karsten D and Hepp, Andreas (2024). OpenQDA. Zenodo. Zenodo presentation: MeTag Analyze and MeTag App media diary software. Mobile Media & Communication uns unsere Tools gemeinsam bauen!. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Co-Creation von Forschungssoftware für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Publizistik