ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research Research Colloquium: Katharina Hajek (LMU Munich & UdK Berlin, Germany): "Constructing a Climate of Compliance – Understanding Resistance to Pro-Environmental Messages" NewsZeMKI-News27. May 2024 On 29/05/2024 the research colloquium of Katharina Hajek (LMU Munich & UdK Berlin, Germany) will take place on the topic “Constructing a Climate of Compliance – Understanding Resistance to Pro-Environmental Messages”. Abstract: Does every restriction of freedom lead to the same resistance? In the lecture, Katharina V. Hajek will provide insights into a project funded by the Bavarian Institute for Innovation for Digital Transformation (bidt) on the measurability of reactance in the age of ‘wicked problems’ and focus on the question of how different types of reactance processing can lead to different reactance behavior. She will introduce the new Reactance Process Model on which the research is based and provide insights into the quantitative and qualitative data of an experiment (SoSci Survey panel, 2×2, N = 546) on reactance responses to climate change messages in infographics on Instagram. Finally, the presentation discusses how these findings can help to improve communication about climate change and to better understand and investigate reactance in different media contexts and publics. Download PDF