Research ProjectsShaping Interfaces, the Future Concept for Teacher Training at the University of BremenCompletedResearch projectDuration: 2016 – 2019Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karsten D. WolfProject management: Dr. Karsten WolfFunding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchProject duration: 2016-2019Under the guiding principle of reflection-oriented teacher education (reflective practitioner), the coherence of teacher education is strengthened by linking theory and practice and by interlinking the various elements of teacher education.Up to now, teacher training has often taught particular knowledge instead of networked knowledge; central interfaces between the disciplines involved (subject didactics, subject sciences and educational sciences) as well as between theory and practice have so far been insufficiently related to each other. However, only networked knowledge enables the development and expansion of complex professional reflection and (complementary to this) action competence. The project therefore aims to train future teachers as “reflective practitioners” who are aware of all interfaces, critically reflect on them and use them productively for their professional activities. The four sub-projects Research Workshop, E-Portfolio, Study-Practice Projects and Teaching Spotlights are designed with this guiding principle in mind. These focus on the first phase (teacher training at the university), but include the second and third phases as well as non-university stakeholders in teacher training.Persons Prof. Dr. Karsten D. WolfLabs Lab Media and Education