ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information ResearchGuest Lectures on Platform Governance and Social Justice in DublinNewsZeMKI-News10. February 2025We are delighted to announce that Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero, from our ZeMKI’s Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology, is delivering two guest lectures at University College Dublin (UCD) on February 18 & 20, 2025.The lectures take place in the UCD School of Information and Communication Studies (ICS) as part of the Topics in Digital Communication and Platform Governance modules.Speaking alongside Associate Professor Ariadna Matamoros-Fernández and Professor Eugenia Siapera, these sessions are a fantastic opportunity for Paloma to discuss Platform Governance and Social Justice, as well as her latest book, with UCD’s students and faculty.Labs Lab Platform Governance, Media, and TechnologyTags Platform Governancesocial justice