Events SEE DEMOCRACY: Stephanie Geise will be a guest at City 46 on 28.09 With three documentaries and accompanying discussions, City 46 cinema’s film series “DEMOKRATIE SEHEN/SEE DEMOCRACY” addresses the state of democracy today and brings the absence, failure and significance of democracy in different countries to the screen. The film series is curated by Lea Lünenborg and is being produced in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Europa Punkt Bremen. The documentary “Democracy Noir” will be shown on September 28 at 8 pm. The film traces how Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is undermining democratic institutions and instrumentalizing the media for his own purposes. In the subsequent discussion, Lea Lünenborg and ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise will discuss the consequences of the centralization of the media landscape for the formation of public opinion and how citizens can contribute to protecting democratic values through participatory action. Persons Prof. Dr. Stephanie Geise Labs Lab Political Communication and Innovative Methods