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ZeMKI Member Dr. Dom Ford at Symposium ‘Videogames as Folkworlds: Nationalism – Democracy – Sustainability’ in Regensburg

ZeMKI member Dr. Dom Ford has been invited to give a talk at the University of Regensburg on ‘A World to Escape to: Gameworlds as Otherworlds in Datafied Society’ at the symposium ‘Videogames as Folkworlds: Nationalism – Democracy – Sustainability’, 11–12 April. About the event: Funded by the Vielberth Foundation and sponsored by the Leibniz (…)

Bildschirm­foto 2024-04-09 um 10.30.12

Prof. Dr. Radde-Antweiler: Research Fellow at UNC Greensboro

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler is currently a Research Fellow at UNC Greensboro. Since last year, UNCG has established an E-Sports Center (https://esports.uncg.edu/), which offers study programs as well as research on the topic of digital gaming. During her three-month stay, she will collaborate with the Network for the Cultural Study of Videogaming (https://cas.uncg.edu/ncsv). The stay (…)

Lab Puschmann

Contribution of DCID Lab to EASST-4S 2024

The Lab for Digital Communication and Information Diversity (DCID), headed by Prof. Cornelius Puschmann, is contributing to the EASST-4S 2024 conference in Amsterdam. The theme of this year’s conference is “Making and Doing Transformations”. Miira Hill, Patrick Zerrer and Cornelius Puschmann are participating with the paper “Unraveling Patterns in Media Consumption: A Qualitative Microscopic Analysis (…)


New research article: Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube

Verena Honkomp-Wilkens and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf from the ZeMKI Lab “Media & Education” have published a new open access article in the journal MedienPädagogik on “Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube: Deconstruction or continuation of a gendered order in informal audio-visual educational spaces?” (DOWNLOAD). YouTube is an important social video network for teenagers (…)

“Desinformationen und KI-generierte Fakes – rettet der Digital Services Act die Europawahl?” - Panel discussion in Brussels with lab member Prof. Dr Christian Katzenbach

Lab member Prof. Dr Christian Katzenbach will participate in a panel discussion on the role of platforms in the 2024 European elections in Brussels on 9 April 2024, starting at 6pm. The discussion will be held in German under the titel “Desinformationen und KI-generierte Fakes – rettet der Digital Services Act die Europawahl?” and can be (…)


ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger as a Guest on the Podcast "Vergangenheitsformen"

As a guest in the HSozKult podcast “Vergangenheitsformen”, ZeMKI member Professor Christian Schwarzenegger talks to Claudia Prinz about “Memes und Geschichtskultur” and specifically his research on activism with historical memes and the significance of memes for the digital culture of remembrance. 43 entertaining and hopefully informative minutes. Now on Spotify and wherever podcasts are available. (…)


ZeMKI-Member Christian Katzenbach now Visiting Professor at LSE

ZeMKI-Member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach has started his position as visiting professor at the The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). During his stay, until July 2024, Christian is working on topics ranging from AI discourses and regulation, to the role of social media platforms in society. At the department, he is teaching (…)

ZeMKI members Dr Daria Dergacheva and Vasilisa Kuznetsova contributed to the Oxford 2024 Election Initiative by co-authoring the blogpost "2024 Russian Presidential Elections – How Digital Technologies Are Used to Wield Authoritarian Power"

ZeMKI members Dr Daria Dergacheva and Vasilisa Kuznetsova, together with other researchers from the Oxford Internet Institute, have published a blog post for the Oxford 2024 Election Initiative. Under the title “2024 Russian Presidential Elections – How Digital Technologies Are Used to Wield Authoritarian Power”, the researchers share their findings on how digital technologies can (…)


Research Article "Learning Together with YouTube?" in "Computers in the School"

The Media & Education lab has published together with Christian Pentzold (Uni Leipzig) and Nina Altmaier (Uni Tübingen) a new article on collective learning practices in the journal „Computers in the School“: Although YouTube explanatory videos are a successful genre, there has been little research into the ways they form part of adolescents’ collective learning (…)

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Lecture by ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp at the Conference "Technisierung von Wissen" in Chemnitz

ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp will give a lecture entitled: “The Knowledge of Technologized Futures: Pioneering Communities, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability” on 18.03.2024 at the conference “Technization of Knowledge” at Chemnitz University. The conference explores the question of how and with which concepts current experiences of technologized social reality(ies) and processes of the technologization (…)

Flyer IASGAR Research Day

Call for Applications: IASGAR Research Day

The International Academy for the Study of Gaming and Religion (IASGAR)  and the Research Area Digital Gaming at the ZeMKI – Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research is hosting its third IASGAR Research Day. Exclusively for early-stage researchers, graduate students and doctoral students, the workshop welcomes research on media-centered approaches, perspectives of game developers and publishers, and viewpoints (…)


Research software made at ZeMKI - OpenQDA launches early access phase

Research software has become an important tool for qualitative research. However, currently available research software for qualitative data analysis can have some disadvantages: It is sometimes functionally overloaded and complicated to use, tends to be geared towards individual users or is expensive to purchase or use. This is why we at ZeMKI have developed OpenQDA, (…)

Lecture Title Slide Prof. Christian Katzenbach holds lecture on the "Understanding the emergence of platforms and their governance" at Hertie School

ZeMKI member Prof. Christian Katzenbach holds lecture on the "Understanding the emergence of platforms and their governance" at Hertie School

ZeMKI member Prof. Christian Katzenbach will hold a lecture on “Understanding the emergence of platforms and their governance” at the Hertie School of Governance this Wednesday, March 13. The lecture will touch upon interesting topics such as: Platforms have become key players and institutions in contemporary societies But how do they become what they are, (…)