ZeMKI Lab Datafication and Mediatization The Datafication and Mediatization Lab deals with how societies change when they are increasingly saturated by digital media and their infrastructures. The lab focuses on the role digital data play in these globalized processes of change. Current research is particularly concerned with the automation of communication, the role of pioneer communities and pioneer journalism in media-related transformation processes, as well as media and data practices in, for example, media use and appropriation, sports communication, mourning communication, community building, and science communication. In this regard, the Lab is also developing research software and a news platform for local journalism and information. Across these topics, a particular focus is paid to questions of the “good life” and the sustainable formation of our media environment. previous 1234 previous Working Papers Nr. 36 - Heiko Kirschner, Anne Schmitz und Andreas Hepp: Networks of opinion leaders and heterogeneous organizations: The organizational elites of the Quantified Self and Maker Movements on Twitter 4. April 2020 ConferencesSpring Semester 2019 DATA POWER: Global In/Securities Datum: 12. September 2019 – 13. September 2019Location: 28359 Bremen About the conference “DATA POWER: global in/securities” follows two successful international conferences in the UK (University of Sheffield) and Canada (University of Carleton). The conference focuses on critical questions about data’s power, reflecting on the social and cultural consequences of data becoming increasingly pervasive in our lives. With its critical approach towards datafication in relation (…) 1. September 2019 Conferences "Justice and Order in the Datafied Society: Connecting Communications and Legal Theory" (ICA 2019 Pre-Conference) Datum: 24. May 2019Location: American University, The Washington College of Law May 24, 2019, Washington D.C., USA Location: American University, The Washington College of Law Organisers: Nick Couldry (London School of Economics), Lina Dencik (Cardiff University), Andreas Hepp (University of Bremen), Karin van Es (Data School Utrecht) with support of Pat Aufderheide (American University) Division/Interest Group Affiliation(s): Communication and Technology Division and Philosophy Theory and Critique (…) 1. May 2019 Conferences "Global Interdependencies: What’s new in the human society of individuals?" Datum: 5. December 2018 – 8. December 2018Location: Brüssel 5.-8. Dezember 2018, Brüssel The Research Centre in Political Science (CReSPo) and the Institute for European Studies (IEE) of Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B) are organizing the next Elias conference in Brussels, Belgium, on 5–8 December 2018. The ZeMKI, University of Bremen, together with the Hans-Bredow-Insitute for Media Research, organizes the session: “The re-figuration of (…) 1. December 2018 Conferences "Acting on Media" Datum: 13. October 2016 – 14. October 2016Location: Universität Bremen In one way or the other the current transformation of society is related to media, which are understood to mean organizations, content and technologies. As a consequence, media themselves are gaining increasing relevance in political debates and for political activity per se. Actors like hacker collectives, alternative media or open source movements do not only (…) 1. October 2016 Conferences Critical Mediatization Research: Power, Inequality and Social Change in a Mediatized Age Datum: 30. August 2016 – 1. September 2016Location: Universität Bremen International Conference International conference of the section “Mediatization” of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), organized by the DFG priority programme “Mediatized Worlds” in cooperation with the research network “Communicative Figurations” at the University of Bremen. Submissions can refer to both theoretical and empirical work as well as to different methodologies. However, the (…) 1. August 2016 Conferences Self-Expertization and Laypersons Datum: 9. February 2015 – 10. February 2015Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Workshop as part of the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” Date: February 9-10, 2015 Location: University of Bremen, ZeMKI, meeting room Organization: Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Ute Volkmann Objective There are several sub-projects in the research network “Communicative Figurations” that focus on audience participation as a relevant factor with regard to the social change under investigation. What these (…) 1. February 2015 Conferences Rethinking the Mediatization of Politics: Politics and Policy, Government and Governmentality, Citizenship and Activism Datum: 25. April 2014 – 26. April 2014Location: London School of Economics and Political Science Workshop of the ECREA Temporary Working Group “Mediatization” Venue: Thai Theatre (unless otherwise noted), New Academic Building, Sardinia Street, LSE Campus, WC2A 2AE The mediatization of politics was the beginning of mediatization research: In the 1990s and the following years, mediatization was mainly discussed as the adaptation of “media rules” or “journalistic logics” to the (…) 1. April 2014 Conferences Exploring Medial Change Datum: 24. October 2013 – 25. October 2013Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Internal event Media and communication change is currently the subject of various major research networks. The research group “Political Communication in the Online World” is investigating how politics and political communication are changing with the progressive establishment of the internet. The NCCR Democracy focuses, among other things, on the medialization of politics and society. The (…) 1. October 2013 Working Papers No. 2 - Andreas Hepp & Uwe Hasebrink: Human interaction and communicative figurations. The transformation of mediatized cultures and societies 1. April 2013 Conferences Media Evolution and Cultural Change: Discussing Medium Theory and Mediatization Datum: 3. September 2011Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) International workshop On 3 September 2011, the DFG Priority Programme “Mediatized Worlds”, headed by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz, together with the ZeMKI, the scientific journal Communications – the European Journal of Communication Research and the Temporary Working Group “Mediatization” of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), organized an international workshop focusing on the (…) 1. September 2011 previous 1234 previous
Working Papers Nr. 36 - Heiko Kirschner, Anne Schmitz und Andreas Hepp: Networks of opinion leaders and heterogeneous organizations: The organizational elites of the Quantified Self and Maker Movements on Twitter 4. April 2020
ConferencesSpring Semester 2019 DATA POWER: Global In/Securities Datum: 12. September 2019 – 13. September 2019Location: 28359 Bremen About the conference “DATA POWER: global in/securities” follows two successful international conferences in the UK (University of Sheffield) and Canada (University of Carleton). The conference focuses on critical questions about data’s power, reflecting on the social and cultural consequences of data becoming increasingly pervasive in our lives. With its critical approach towards datafication in relation (…) 1. September 2019
Conferences "Justice and Order in the Datafied Society: Connecting Communications and Legal Theory" (ICA 2019 Pre-Conference) Datum: 24. May 2019Location: American University, The Washington College of Law May 24, 2019, Washington D.C., USA Location: American University, The Washington College of Law Organisers: Nick Couldry (London School of Economics), Lina Dencik (Cardiff University), Andreas Hepp (University of Bremen), Karin van Es (Data School Utrecht) with support of Pat Aufderheide (American University) Division/Interest Group Affiliation(s): Communication and Technology Division and Philosophy Theory and Critique (…) 1. May 2019
Conferences "Global Interdependencies: What’s new in the human society of individuals?" Datum: 5. December 2018 – 8. December 2018Location: Brüssel 5.-8. Dezember 2018, Brüssel The Research Centre in Political Science (CReSPo) and the Institute for European Studies (IEE) of Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B) are organizing the next Elias conference in Brussels, Belgium, on 5–8 December 2018. The ZeMKI, University of Bremen, together with the Hans-Bredow-Insitute for Media Research, organizes the session: “The re-figuration of (…) 1. December 2018
Conferences "Acting on Media" Datum: 13. October 2016 – 14. October 2016Location: Universität Bremen In one way or the other the current transformation of society is related to media, which are understood to mean organizations, content and technologies. As a consequence, media themselves are gaining increasing relevance in political debates and for political activity per se. Actors like hacker collectives, alternative media or open source movements do not only (…) 1. October 2016
Conferences Critical Mediatization Research: Power, Inequality and Social Change in a Mediatized Age Datum: 30. August 2016 – 1. September 2016Location: Universität Bremen International Conference International conference of the section “Mediatization” of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), organized by the DFG priority programme “Mediatized Worlds” in cooperation with the research network “Communicative Figurations” at the University of Bremen. Submissions can refer to both theoretical and empirical work as well as to different methodologies. However, the (…) 1. August 2016
Conferences Self-Expertization and Laypersons Datum: 9. February 2015 – 10. February 2015Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Workshop as part of the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” Date: February 9-10, 2015 Location: University of Bremen, ZeMKI, meeting room Organization: Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Ute Volkmann Objective There are several sub-projects in the research network “Communicative Figurations” that focus on audience participation as a relevant factor with regard to the social change under investigation. What these (…) 1. February 2015
Conferences Rethinking the Mediatization of Politics: Politics and Policy, Government and Governmentality, Citizenship and Activism Datum: 25. April 2014 – 26. April 2014Location: London School of Economics and Political Science Workshop of the ECREA Temporary Working Group “Mediatization” Venue: Thai Theatre (unless otherwise noted), New Academic Building, Sardinia Street, LSE Campus, WC2A 2AE The mediatization of politics was the beginning of mediatization research: In the 1990s and the following years, mediatization was mainly discussed as the adaptation of “media rules” or “journalistic logics” to the (…) 1. April 2014
Conferences Exploring Medial Change Datum: 24. October 2013 – 25. October 2013Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Internal event Media and communication change is currently the subject of various major research networks. The research group “Political Communication in the Online World” is investigating how politics and political communication are changing with the progressive establishment of the internet. The NCCR Democracy focuses, among other things, on the medialization of politics and society. The (…) 1. October 2013
Working Papers No. 2 - Andreas Hepp & Uwe Hasebrink: Human interaction and communicative figurations. The transformation of mediatized cultures and societies 1. April 2013
Conferences Media Evolution and Cultural Change: Discussing Medium Theory and Mediatization Datum: 3. September 2011Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) International workshop On 3 September 2011, the DFG Priority Programme “Mediatized Worlds”, headed by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz, together with the ZeMKI, the scientific journal Communications – the European Journal of Communication Research and the Temporary Working Group “Mediatization” of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), organized an international workshop focusing on the (…) 1. September 2011