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Hepp and Radde-Antweiler elected to ZeMKI spokespersons for a further two years

At the ZeMKI General Assembly on January 24, 2025, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (right) and Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler (left) were confirmed in office as ZeMKI spokespersons for a further two years. In addition, Sandra Kero (center) was elected as a new representative of the doctoral students for the ZeMKI Steering Committee. Kero has been (…)


9th ZeMKI Research Day

The ZeMKI Research Day will take place on January 24. At the internal event, current projects will be presented and discussed, overarching research perspectives will be developed at thematic tables and current questions from the ZeMKI doctoral program and from the group of postdocs will be discussed. The Research Day is taking place for the (…)

ZeMKI Fellowship 2025_banner

Call for applications: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellowship 2025

Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI.

Handy in Hand. Cover von Journal.

Article published in Media and Communication

ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Dr. Erik Koenen, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf have published the article “Beyond Play: Researching the Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in Deeply Mediatized Societies” in the journal Media and Communication.


ZeMKI steering committee meets for annual retreat

For two days, the Bredbeck Estate in the district of Osterholz was dedicated to the further development of the research strategy of the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen. On September 3 and 4, 2024, a total of 14 members of the ZeMKI Steering Committee discussed medium-term goals (…)


ZeMKI goes ICA

This year's annual conference of the International Communications Association (ICA) will take place in Goald Cost, Australia, from June 20 to 24. The ZeMKI will be represented with numerous contributions and ZeMKI members will present research at the institute.

ZeMKI Fellows 2024

ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows 2024

This year, the ZeMKI welcomes a total of four Visiting Research Fellows as part of its Visiting Researcher Program. From over 85 applications, the steering committee of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen selected five researchers who will work together with two ZeMKI labs in interdisciplinary research for (…)


ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger as a Guest on the Podcast "Vergangenheitsformen"

As a guest in the HSozKult podcast “Vergangenheitsformen”, ZeMKI member Professor Christian Schwarzenegger talks to Claudia Prinz about “Memes und Geschichtskultur” and specifically his research on activism with historical memes and the significance of memes for the digital culture of remembrance. 43 entertaining and hopefully informative minutes. Now on Spotify and wherever podcasts are available. (…)

Christian Schwarzenegger

ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger as an Expert at the Y-Kollektiv

In the report by the Y-Kollektiv (ARD) “Hitler memes at schools. Trivialization of Nazi ideology”, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger is interviewed as an expert. He explains why sharing Hitler memes does not necessarily have to be political, but why distancing oneself from them by claiming that they are just for fun is also (…)

Christian Schwarzenegger

ZeMKI Member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger at the Weiße Rose e.V.

On 27.09.2023, ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger will discuss the question “History in social media format. Opportunities and risks” at the LMU Munich. The event is organized by Weiße Rose e.V. The reason for the discussion is the presentation of the book “@ichbinsophiescholl. Representation and Discussion of History in Social Media” edited by Mia (…)