ZeMKI Lab Media and EducationLab Media & EducationThe lab “Media and Education” researches educational processes in a deeply mediatised society.Research focuses on(a) Actor-centred analysis of audiovisual educational spaces such as YouTube and TikTok,(b) the didactic and filmic analysis of explanatory videos and tutorials,(c) the reconstruction of communicative figurations of informal learning, especially in the context of digital gaming,(d) educational and pedagogical aspects of Gamevironments,(e) the didactic design of digital learning and teaching environments with special consideration of active learning,(f) sustainable development of open source software for teaching-learning processes,(g) improving the learning and teaching experience of teaching-learning software (LX/TX),(h) AI-based, highly informative feedback generation,(i) critical educational software and code studies,(j) and digital cognitive diagnostic modeling. News Call for Papers for the Journal gamevironments Special Issue 2026 ZeMKI members Prof Dr Kerstin-Radde Antweiler, Prof Dr Karsten D. Wolf and Prof Dr Christian Schwarzenegger are guest editors for the currently advertised special issue “Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Meditized Society” of the journal gamevironments. 19. March 2025News ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows 2025 From over 150 applications, the steering committee of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen selected five researchers who will work together with at least two ZeMKI labs in interdisciplinary research for four weeks each until the end of 2025. 2. March 2025News OpenQDA 1.0 – A Major Update for a Better User Experience! We are excited to announce the release of OpenQDA 1.0! This major update brings numerous improvements that make working with OpenQDA even more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable. 4. February 2025Fall Semster 24/25 9th ZeMKI Research Day Datum: 24. January 2025Location: ZeMKIThe ZeMKI Research Day will take place on January 24. At the internal event, current projects will be presented and discussed, overarching research perspectives will be developed at thematic tables and current questions from the ZeMKI doctoral program and from the group of postdocs will be discussed. The Research Day is taking place for the (…) 14. January 2025News Call for applications: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellowship 2025 Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI. 7. January 2025News ZeMKI research software in focus In December 2024, the latest version of OpenQDA, an open source research infrastructure for qualitative data analysis, was presented at a workshop at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. A report on this has now been published by Roland Toth. 3. January 2025ConferencesFall Semester 25/26 20 Years into the Future: What is our vision of media, data, and society? Datum: 23. October 2025 – 24. October 2025Location: Haus der Wissenschaft The international anniversary conference of the ZeMKI in the 20th year of its existence examines the foundations of media and communication research: It is about exploring long-term trends resulting from today's media change and visions for the future. 20. December 2024News ZeMKI wishes a happy end of year! Another year is coming to an end and we would like to say 'thank you'! 19. December 2024News Article published in Media and Communication ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Dr. Erik Koenen, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf have published the article “Beyond Play: Researching the Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in Deeply Mediatized Societies” in the journal Media and Communication. 18. December 2024News ZeMKI Members: Presentations at Beyond Play Conference Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf and Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger gave the opening lecture at the Beyond Play conference. 1. October 2024News Presentation about OpenQDA, the open research software initiative at DINI Conference On September 18th, the OpenQDA-Team gave a presentation "The OpenQDA project: a software architecture for a sustainable open research software for collaborative qualitative data analysis" at the 25th DINI conference in Potsdam. 29. September 2024News Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger and Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf: Article published in Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc) The article on the topic “Digital Gaming. Indicator of a profound mediatization” has now been published in the journal Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc). Click here to access the article. 8. September 2024News ZeMKI steering committee meets for annual retreat For two days, the Bredbeck Estate in the district of Osterholz was dedicated to the further development of the research strategy of the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen. On September 3 and 4, 2024, a total of 14 members of the ZeMKI Steering Committee discussed medium-term goals (…) 4. September 2024News Presentation on Teaching Experience Design Research at the 5th EdTech Research Forum Imke A.M. Meyer and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf gave a presentation entitled "Teaching Experience Design (TXD) Research: a case-study of the development of a classroom interaction environment in nursing education". 30. August 2024News New ZeMKI Member in the Lab Media and Education: Welcome Hang Dao! Hang Dao has been a research assistant and PhD fellow in the research area “Didactic Design of Multimedia Learning Environments” (Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf) at the University of Bremen and in the “Media and Education” lab at ZeMKI since April 2024. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and English Studies and went on (…) 9. May 2024News Call for Paper for conference: "Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Mediatized Society" The Call for Paper for the 2nd ZeMKI Annual Conference from 30/09/2024 to 02/10/2024 at the University of Bremen is out now!Deadline for submissions: 15/06/2024. 4. May 2024News ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows 2024 This year, the ZeMKI welcomes a total of four Visiting Research Fellows as part of its Visiting Researcher Program. From over 85 applications, the steering committee of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen selected five researchers who will work together with two ZeMKI labs in interdisciplinary research for (…) 12. April 2024NewsPublication New research article: Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube Verena Honkomp-Wilkens and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf from the ZeMKI Lab “Media & Education” have published a new open access article in the journal MedienPädagogik on “Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube: Deconstruction or continuation of a gendered order in informal audio-visual educational spaces?” (DOWNLOAD). YouTube is an important social video network for teenagers (…) 29. March 2024News Open Call for ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows, 2024 Come and work with us! Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI. 8. February 2024News ZeMKI-Workshop "Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning" The ZeMKI-Lab “Media & Education” is organizing the workshop “Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning” next Friday, as part of the research focus “Audiovisual Cultures”. When: 08.12.2023 – 9:00 am to approx. 3:00 pm Where: ZeMKI meeting room, Linzerstraße 4. Everyone is invited! Gladly also – if time or (…) 7. December 2023News ZeMKI Labs win the "AI in Education" Hackathon The ZeMKI Lab “Socio-Technical Systems and Critical Data Studies” of Prof. Dr. Andreas Breitner, together with the ZeMKI Lab “Media and Education” of Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf and colleagues from the University of Twente (ELAN, Prof. Kim Schildkamp), won the second hackathon on the topic of “AI in Education”. Over the course of two (…) 13. November 2023Conferences Media Education for All - Digitization. Participation. Diversity. Datum: 16. November 2018 – 18. November 2018Location: Universität BremenThe 35th Forum Kommunikationskultur 2018 of the Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur (GMK) is taking place in cooperation with the ZeMKI at the University of Bremen. Navigating through cities, researching information, making appointments, maintaining friendships, playing in teams, looking for partnerships, documenting everyday life and significant moments – all this is hardly imaginable without digital (…) 1. November 2018Conferences Self-Expertization and Laypersons Datum: 9. February 2015 – 10. February 2015Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Workshop as part of the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” Date: February 9-10, 2015 Location: University of Bremen, ZeMKI, meeting room Organization: Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Ute Volkmann Objective There are several sub-projects in the research network “Communicative Figurations” that focus on audience participation as a relevant factor with regard to the social change under investigation. What these (…) 1. February 2015Conferences Exploring Medial Change Datum: 24. October 2013 – 25. October 2013Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI)Internal event Media and communication change is currently the subject of various major research networks. The research group “Political Communication in the Online World” is investigating how politics and political communication are changing with the progressive establishment of the internet. The NCCR Democracy focuses, among other things, on the medialization of politics and society. The (…) 1. October 2013
News Call for Papers for the Journal gamevironments Special Issue 2026 ZeMKI members Prof Dr Kerstin-Radde Antweiler, Prof Dr Karsten D. Wolf and Prof Dr Christian Schwarzenegger are guest editors for the currently advertised special issue “Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Meditized Society” of the journal gamevironments. 19. March 2025
News ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows 2025 From over 150 applications, the steering committee of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen selected five researchers who will work together with at least two ZeMKI labs in interdisciplinary research for four weeks each until the end of 2025. 2. March 2025
News OpenQDA 1.0 – A Major Update for a Better User Experience! We are excited to announce the release of OpenQDA 1.0! This major update brings numerous improvements that make working with OpenQDA even more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable. 4. February 2025
Fall Semster 24/25 9th ZeMKI Research Day Datum: 24. January 2025Location: ZeMKIThe ZeMKI Research Day will take place on January 24. At the internal event, current projects will be presented and discussed, overarching research perspectives will be developed at thematic tables and current questions from the ZeMKI doctoral program and from the group of postdocs will be discussed. The Research Day is taking place for the (…) 14. January 2025
News Call for applications: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellowship 2025 Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI. 7. January 2025
News ZeMKI research software in focus In December 2024, the latest version of OpenQDA, an open source research infrastructure for qualitative data analysis, was presented at a workshop at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. A report on this has now been published by Roland Toth. 3. January 2025
ConferencesFall Semester 25/26 20 Years into the Future: What is our vision of media, data, and society? Datum: 23. October 2025 – 24. October 2025Location: Haus der Wissenschaft The international anniversary conference of the ZeMKI in the 20th year of its existence examines the foundations of media and communication research: It is about exploring long-term trends resulting from today's media change and visions for the future. 20. December 2024
News ZeMKI wishes a happy end of year! Another year is coming to an end and we would like to say 'thank you'! 19. December 2024
News Article published in Media and Communication ZeMKI members Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Dr. Erik Koenen, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf have published the article “Beyond Play: Researching the Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in Deeply Mediatized Societies” in the journal Media and Communication. 18. December 2024
News ZeMKI Members: Presentations at Beyond Play Conference Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf and Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger gave the opening lecture at the Beyond Play conference. 1. October 2024
News Presentation about OpenQDA, the open research software initiative at DINI Conference On September 18th, the OpenQDA-Team gave a presentation "The OpenQDA project: a software architecture for a sustainable open research software for collaborative qualitative data analysis" at the 25th DINI conference in Potsdam. 29. September 2024
News Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger and Prof. Dr. Karsten Wolf: Article published in Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc) The article on the topic “Digital Gaming. Indicator of a profound mediatization” has now been published in the journal Communicatio Socialis (ComSoc). Click here to access the article. 8. September 2024
News ZeMKI steering committee meets for annual retreat For two days, the Bredbeck Estate in the district of Osterholz was dedicated to the further development of the research strategy of the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen. On September 3 and 4, 2024, a total of 14 members of the ZeMKI Steering Committee discussed medium-term goals (…) 4. September 2024
News Presentation on Teaching Experience Design Research at the 5th EdTech Research Forum Imke A.M. Meyer and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf gave a presentation entitled "Teaching Experience Design (TXD) Research: a case-study of the development of a classroom interaction environment in nursing education". 30. August 2024
News New ZeMKI Member in the Lab Media and Education: Welcome Hang Dao! Hang Dao has been a research assistant and PhD fellow in the research area “Didactic Design of Multimedia Learning Environments” (Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf) at the University of Bremen and in the “Media and Education” lab at ZeMKI since April 2024. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and English Studies and went on (…) 9. May 2024
News Call for Paper for conference: "Beyond Play: The Transformative Power of Digital Gaming in a Deeply Mediatized Society" The Call for Paper for the 2nd ZeMKI Annual Conference from 30/09/2024 to 02/10/2024 at the University of Bremen is out now!Deadline for submissions: 15/06/2024. 4. May 2024
News ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows 2024 This year, the ZeMKI welcomes a total of four Visiting Research Fellows as part of its Visiting Researcher Program. From over 85 applications, the steering committee of the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research at the University of Bremen selected five researchers who will work together with two ZeMKI labs in interdisciplinary research for (…) 12. April 2024
NewsPublication New research article: Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube Verena Honkomp-Wilkens and Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf from the ZeMKI Lab “Media & Education” have published a new open access article in the journal MedienPädagogik on “Diversity in explanatory videos on YouTube: Deconstruction or continuation of a gendered order in informal audio-visual educational spaces?” (DOWNLOAD). YouTube is an important social video network for teenagers (…) 29. March 2024
News Open Call for ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellows, 2024 Come and work with us! Our Fellowship Program invites international researchers to Bremen for four weeks to deepen and connect their research in the transformation of media, communication, and information. We are looking for established scholars who want to enjoy the thriving interdisciplinary research environment at ZeMKI. 8. February 2024
News ZeMKI-Workshop "Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning" The ZeMKI-Lab “Media & Education” is organizing the workshop “Tutorial Culture – Audiovisual Diversity in Communicative Figurations of Informal Learning” next Friday, as part of the research focus “Audiovisual Cultures”. When: 08.12.2023 – 9:00 am to approx. 3:00 pm Where: ZeMKI meeting room, Linzerstraße 4. Everyone is invited! Gladly also – if time or (…) 7. December 2023
News ZeMKI Labs win the "AI in Education" Hackathon The ZeMKI Lab “Socio-Technical Systems and Critical Data Studies” of Prof. Dr. Andreas Breitner, together with the ZeMKI Lab “Media and Education” of Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf and colleagues from the University of Twente (ELAN, Prof. Kim Schildkamp), won the second hackathon on the topic of “AI in Education”. Over the course of two (…) 13. November 2023
Conferences Media Education for All - Digitization. Participation. Diversity. Datum: 16. November 2018 – 18. November 2018Location: Universität BremenThe 35th Forum Kommunikationskultur 2018 of the Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur (GMK) is taking place in cooperation with the ZeMKI at the University of Bremen. Navigating through cities, researching information, making appointments, maintaining friendships, playing in teams, looking for partnerships, documenting everyday life and significant moments – all this is hardly imaginable without digital (…) 1. November 2018
Conferences Self-Expertization and Laypersons Datum: 9. February 2015 – 10. February 2015Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) Workshop as part of the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” Date: February 9-10, 2015 Location: University of Bremen, ZeMKI, meeting room Organization: Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, Ute Volkmann Objective There are several sub-projects in the research network “Communicative Figurations” that focus on audience participation as a relevant factor with regard to the social change under investigation. What these (…) 1. February 2015
Conferences Exploring Medial Change Datum: 24. October 2013 – 25. October 2013Location: Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI)Internal event Media and communication change is currently the subject of various major research networks. The research group “Political Communication in the Online World” is investigating how politics and political communication are changing with the progressive establishment of the internet. The NCCR Democracy focuses, among other things, on the medialization of politics and society. The (…) 1. October 2013