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Informed by Influencers (INDI): Eine Frau schaut auf ihr Smartphone // A woman looks at her smartphone


The project Informed by Influencers (INDI) focusses on the way in which knowledge relevant to climate change is disseminated and consumed on social networks. The aim is to determine the proportion of social media posts on this topic and to examine the behaviour of users. In short, we want to answer the question of the (…)


Political Polarization and individualized online Information Environments: A longitudinal Tracking Study (POLTRACK)

Project management: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, Dr. Sebastian Stier, Dr. Katrin Weller Project collaboration: Helena Rauxloh Funding: Leibniz Association The online information environment offers citizens a wealth of news and other content that is relevant to political opinion formation and varies considerably in terms of journalistic quality and political extremity. Politicians, journalists and academics have (…)

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AMBITION - Activists’ MoBile InformaTION

The AMBITION project is a scientific pilot study on the news and media usage behavior of Fridays for Future supporters. The project examines the role of media and news offerings and the motivations for political action. For example, the aim is to find out whether and in what form news is used, whether this news (…)

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Project management: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Puschmann The useNews dataset has been compiled to enable the study of online news engagement. It relies on the MediaCloud and CrowdTangle APIs as well as on data from the Reuters Digital News Report. The entire dataset builds on data from 2019 and 2020 as well as a total of (…)