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Re-evaluating Governing Principles: Navigating the Integration of Generative AI in Everyday Communication Systems

Funded by: Zentrale Forschungsförderung (ZF), Universität Bremen Elevator Pitch This postdoctoral project examines the socio-technical impact of generative AI integration into communication ecosystems. Through policy analysis, expert interviews, and user surveys, I will reassess how platform values evolve amid ongoing technological and regulatory changes. Project Overview This research investigates the principles shaping generative AI regulation (…)

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Reignite Multilateralism via Technology (REMIT)

The four-year EU Horizon Europe project REMIT (Reignite Multilateralism via Technology) creates policy-relevant knowledge on how technologies are governed globally. It further develops academic insights aimed to enable greater international cooperation on technology governance, specifically multilateral governance pathways. The scope of the project is broad, including the governance of technologies such as AI, blockchain, Internet (…)

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Equality, Platform Governance and Wellbeing

Head: Prof. Dr. Chrisitan Katzenbach, Dr. Paloma Viejo Otero Lab: Platform Governance, Media and Technology Funding: YUFE Postdoctoral Program The project “Equality, Wellbeing and Platform Governance” investigates whether the rules and moderation policies of social platforms in relation to hate speech play a significant role in the discrimination and resulting wellbeing of minorities in Europe. (…)

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Platform Governance Survey: A Global Study of Public Attitudes Towards Content Moderation

Head: Dr. Dennis Redeker Funding: Swiss Federal Office at Communications (OFCOM) Social media platforms such as Facebook, X and TikTok are the “new governors” (Klonick) or “custodians” (Gillespie) of the Internet. The way in which they moderate global online communication has an impact on the communication practices of billions of people and can determine the (…)

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Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence: The Communicative Construction of AI in China, Germany and the US

Partner: Institute for Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) & German Research Foundation (DFG) Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered a key technology in today’s societies. Political and economic actors in many countries have allocated considerable resources to AI development, and the technology is the subject of (…)

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Shaping 21st Century AI – Controversies and Closure in Media, Policy and Research

Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Anna Jobin, Laura Liebig, Licina Güttel Partners: Medialab at Sciences Po, Paris, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods (CIM) at the University of Warwick, and the NENIC Lab at INRS Montreal, as well as the Algorithmic Media Observatory at Concordia University Funding: Open Research Area (ORA) funding line from DFG, ANR, (…)

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Platform Governance Archive (PGA)

Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach Funding institution: University of Bremen The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) is a project to promote a critical examination of the way platforms organize and govern our communication and activities. The project is a data repository and platform that collects and curates policies of major social media platforms in a (…)


Platform Governance and Copyright (H2020)

Team: Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach, Dr. Daria Dergacheva, Adrian Kopps Partners: HIIG, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Funding: EU – Horizon 2020 Social media platforms play an important role in the tension between freedom of expression and copyright. Services such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook check and delete videos, images and texts (…)

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Digital Constitutionalism Network Database

The database of the Digital Constitutionalism Network (DCN), a global interdisciplinary network of academics, consists of a regularly updated data set of so-called “Internet bills of rights” (IBRs). Digital constitutionalism describes the political process of entrenching rights and principles into the global governance of digital technologies, specifically the Internet. Digital constitutionalism does not describe actual (…)