ZeMKI Lab Media and Education Team The ZeMKI Lab Media & Education is headed by Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf. He is responsible for the field of media education and didactical design of educational technology at Faculty 12 Educational Sciences. Information on the lab staff can be found here. Other members Other postgraduate associate members are Dr. Christian Staden and Dr. Marion Brüggemann. Former team members (we miss you) Information on former team members can be found here. Person search: TeamsLab headLab membersFormer membersLab head Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Building/room: GW2 A2130Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 69140E-mail: wolf@uni-bremen.de Lab members Hang Dao Research Associate Building/room: GW2 A2100Phone: +49 (0)421 218 69144E-mail: hang.dao@uni-bremen.de Dr. Lisanne Heilmann Postdoctoral Researcher Building/room: GW2 A2100Phone: 0421 218 691 41E-mail: l.heilmann@uni-bremen.de Jan Küster Research Associate Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 69 143E-mail: jkuester@uni-bremen.de Imke Meyer Research Associate Building/room: GW2, A2180Phone: +49 (0) 421 218-69142E-mail: imeyer@uni-bremen.de Dr. Christian Staden Lecturer Building/room: Ecotec 5 ECO5 2.06Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 663 02E-mail: staden@uni-bremen.de Former members Christina Broo Verena Honkomp-Wilkens Patrick Jung Dr. Melissa Windler
Prof. Dr. Karsten D. Wolf Building/room: GW2 A2130Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 69140E-mail: wolf@uni-bremen.de
Hang Dao Research Associate Building/room: GW2 A2100Phone: +49 (0)421 218 69144E-mail: hang.dao@uni-bremen.de
Dr. Lisanne Heilmann Postdoctoral Researcher Building/room: GW2 A2100Phone: 0421 218 691 41E-mail: l.heilmann@uni-bremen.de
Imke Meyer Research Associate Building/room: GW2, A2180Phone: +49 (0) 421 218-69142E-mail: imeyer@uni-bremen.de
Dr. Christian Staden Lecturer Building/room: Ecotec 5 ECO5 2.06Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 663 02E-mail: staden@uni-bremen.de