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  • Completed

Exploring Cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse

The research and evaluation of long-term film-aesthetic educational processes Team: Dr. Bettina Henzler Funding: EU (Erasmus+) From 2022 to 2024, the University of Bremen has been a partner in the international film education project Le cinéma, cent ans de jeunesse, funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus+. The focus is on a (…)

  • Active

Film Comedy after the Third Reich: On the political Aesthetics of Entertainment in Defector Films

Team: PD Dr. Rasmus Greiner, Tatiana Astafeva M.A. Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Contact: film-history@uni-bremen.de The project aims to research German feature films from 1944/45 that were not completed or premiered until after the end of the Second World War. These approximately 60 defector films are of disproportionate importance for film theory and (film) history. (…)

  • Completed
Projekt - Das Gesicht in Film- und Medienkunst - 12 face0007

The Face in Film and Media Art as an aesthetic Play with Identity and Criticism of Security Systems

The project, which is affiliated with the ZeMKI Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”, explores the reflection of biometric facial recognition and algorithmically controlled security devices in contemporary photography, film and media art. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit and junior researcher Dr. Rasmus Greiner, the project will examine different aesthetic forms (…)

  • Completed

Digital Curating: Visual History of the Holocaust

The project “Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age” is being funded as an Innovation Action with around 5 million euros as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The project will run for four years, starting in January 2019. The Holocaust is a central point of reference in European history (…)

  • Completed

Audiovisual histospheres Experience and Reflection of Latin American contemporary History in fictional Film

Head: Dr. Rasmus Greiner ZeMKI Labs “Audiovisual Media and Historiography” and “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture” Foundation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Duration: 2017 – 2020 The project “Audiovisual Histospheres: Experience and Reflection of Latin American Contemporary History in Fictional Film” is funded as part of the “Small Subjects – Great Potentials” (…)

  • Completed
Screenshot „Le voyage du ballon rouge“ (Regie/Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2007)

Film Aesthetics and Childhood

Project management: Dr. Bettina Henzler Funding institution: DGF Since the early days of cinema, childhood has been a common film motif and a recurring topos in film-theoretical and cinephile discourses. The complex of childhood and film touches on a broad spectrum of questions concerning aspects of the mediation and mediality of film: On the viewer, (…)

  • Completed

Audio History. On the Production of History through Film Sound and Film Soundtrack

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Funding institution: Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments The project explored how film sound and film sound generate, model and make history audible, and thus represented an extension of the approaches to cinematic storytelling and visual history. The innovative core (…)

  • Completed

Science Fiction Cinema and the European Union

Project management: Dr. Aidan Power (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Medienkunst und Populärkultur”) Funding institution: Exzellenz-Initiative von Bund und Ländern Examining select European science fiction films, while analysing key facets of production, this project questions dystopian representations of the European Union in light of prevailing concerns over social, political and economic crises. Long seen as a genre that (…)

  • Completed

Web-based documentary film at the intersection of discourse, technology and communitization: the Pragmatic Turn.

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Project collaborator: Dr. Stefano Odorico Funding institution: DFG Recent developments in digital technologies, as well as increased socio-cultural demands for participation, are changing and influencing our conception, design, reception, production and distribution of non-fictional audiovisual works. These developments form the basis for (…)

  • Completed

Towards a New Feminist Cinematic Resistance Movement in the Muslim World Women Filmmakers: Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan

Project management: Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit (ZeMKI-Lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture”) Funding institution: Bremen-TRAC/EU Marie Curie COFOUND program The interdisciplinary research focused on a comparative study of the work of independent Muslim feminist women filmmakers from Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, who, since the late 1970’s, have shared similar, yet varying, histories of politically (…)