ZeMKI Lab Media and Education Research Main Research Areas In addition to more fundamental research, research in my Lab Media & Education focuses in particular on development research and science transfer. Older completed projects can be found on the following overview page. The ‘Media and Education’ lab researches educational processes in a deeply mediatised society. Research focuses on (a) Actor-centred analysis of audiovisual educational spaces such as YouTube and TikTok, (b) the didactic and filmic analysis of explanatory videos and tutorials, (c) the reconstruction of communicative figurations of informal learning, especially in the context of digital gaming, (d) educational and pedagogical aspects of Gamevironments, (e) the didactic design of digital learning and teaching environments with special consideration of active learning, (f) sustainable development of open source software for teaching-learning processes, (g) improving the learning and teaching experience of teaching-learning software (LX/TX), (h) AI-based, highly informative feedback generation, (i) critical educational software and code studies, (j) and digital cognitive diagnostic modeling. List of third-party funded research Enclosed is therefore a list of the third-party funded projects acquired, including details of the proportionate third-party funding (proportionate third-party funding acquired at the university at the beginning of 2024 approx. 4.8 million euros). Further research projects without current third-party funding can be found on the corresponding linked pages, in particular on the topic of teaching and learning with explanatory videos and tutorials as well as on the research area of pedagogy of mediatised worlds. Upcoming projects There is always something cooking in our lab – right now there are a few application in preparation or under review (Research software infrastructure, VR in Learning, Disinformation on TikTok and more). If You are interested in applying a grant together with me, please contact me! Current projects Finally: financial literacy in adult basic education – sub-project media development and technical development. Funded by BMBF, application together with Prof. Dr Ilka Koppel (PH Weingarten), Prof. Dr Christin Siegfried (University of Potsdam) and Technische Akademie für Berufliche Bildung Schwäbisch-Gmünd e.V., 2025-2028, pro rata third-party funding €514,557.60 Deli-Digital: Development of a mobile learning environment for in-service training (MILA). Funded by BMBF, application together with Prof. Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck, research alliance with HSB Hochschule Bremen, 2023-2026, pro rata third-party funding 209,492.00€. IMPACT: Implementation of AI-based feedback and assessment with Trusted Learning Analytics in universities. Funded by BMBF, application together with Prof. Dr Andreas Breiter, research association with Goethe University Frankfurt, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin and Fernuniversität Hagen, 2021-2025, pro rata third-party funding €279,322.00. Completed projects CARO+ONKO: Funding by BMBF, application together with Prof. Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck, 2019-2022, joint application, pro rata third-party funding 396,078.00€. Sub-project 5 ‘Stebs’: BMBF funding, sub-project 5 ‘Structural development for vocational school teacher training’ in the project ‘Shaping interfaces – the future project for teacher training at the University of Bremen’, sub-project media didactics and technical design of the ePortfolio, 2019-2023, overall application submitted by Prof. Dr Falk Howe, pro rata third-party funding €63,000.00. Sub-project 2 ‘ePortfolio’: Funding by BMBF, sub-project 2 ‘ePortfolio’ in the project ‘Shaping interfaces – the future project for teacher training at the university’, sub-project media didactics and technical design of the ePortfolio system, 2019-2023, overall application submitted by Prof. Dr Sabine Doff, pro rata third-party funding €252,000.00. DAB-J: BMBF funding, Digitale außerschulische lern- und bildungsbezogene Handlungspraxen Jugendlicher (Dab-J), application together with Prof. Dr Christian Pentzold (project handed over to me after moving to Chemnitz), Prof. Dr Sven Kommer and Prof. Dr Frauke Intemann at RWTH Aachen University, 2018-2021, joint application, pro rata third-party funding €410,000.00. Learning in a digital world: Mercartor Foundation, Learning in a digital world – school-related media use by pupils, 2018-2020, individual application, third-party funding €50,000.00. Learning support with digital media in heterogeneous class contexts: developing mathematical skills, funding from the Karin und Heinz-Otto Peitgen Stiftung & Hartmut Jürgens Stiftung Chancen auf ein neues Leben, joint application with Oberschule im Park, 10/2018 – 09/2021, joint application, pro rata third-party funding €10,346.90. lea.online: BMBF, lea.online – Pedagogical online support diagnostics for adult functional illiterates as a mobile and desktop app with vocational field-related content, 2017-2020, application with Prof. Dr Ilka Koppel, third-party funding €741,753.55. Sub-project 1 ‘Blended Open Online Courses’ on research methods in teacher training: BMBF, sub-project 1 ‘BOOC’ in the project ‘Shaping interfaces – the future project for teacher training at the University of Bremen’, sub-project media didactic and technical design of the MOOC, 2016-2019, overall application submitted by Prof. Dr Sabine Doff, pro rata third-party funding 126,000.00€. Sub-project 2 ‘ePortfolio’: BMBF, sub-project 2 ‘ePortfolio’ in the project ‘Shaping interfaces – the future project for teacher training at the university’, sub-project media didactic and technical design of the ePortfolio system, 2016-2019, overall application submitted by Prof. Dr Sabine Doff, pro rata third-party funding €126,000.00. Digitale Medien inklusive!: Telekom Stiftung, Digitale Medien inklusive!, 2016-2019, together with Prof. Dr David Reid, Prof. Dr Dagmar Bönig, et al. 30,000.00€ pro rata third-party funding. CARO (Care Reflection Online) in the nursing sciences: media didactic design of a classroom management system: BMBF funding, 2016-2019, together with Prof. Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck, pro rata third-party funding €230,000.00. Digital bridges to work – working group at the Federal Government’s IT Summit 2016 in Saarbrücken on 16 November 2016, BMBF funding. Individual application. Proportionate third-party funding €14,261.00. Reinventing Subtitling for Language Learning in Vocational Education (ReSoLVE), EU funding, 2013-2015, together with Dr Eileen Lübcke, pro rata third-party funding €30,000.00. Communicative figurations of individual learning in DIY and gaming communities, PhD position for employee, internal research funding of the University of Bremen, 2012-2015, together with Prof. Dr Andreas Hepp and others. LernenPlus: Digital media skills promotion in initial vocational training, sub-project: Development of systematic instruments to promote media skills in the context of in-company vocational preparation, funding by BMBF, 2012-2015, joint application together with Prof Michael Gessler and Prof Andreas Breiter. Proportionate third-party funding €302,205.00. Modelling and measurement of domain-specific problem-solving skills in industrial clerks (DomPL-IK); sub-project: Development of the TeBaDoSLA test environment, funded by the BMBF, 2011-2014, joint application together with Prof Detlef Sembill, Prof Evelin Wuttke, Prof Jürgen Seifried, Dr Thomas Martens. Proportionate third-party funding € 152,114.00. (see also the following publication) draufhaber.tv – Sub-project 1: Accompanying research on media and vocational education and coordination of the network, 2009-2012, joint application with Prof. Michael Gessler and Prof. Dr Andreas Breiter. Proportionate third-party funding € 682,481.00. Workforce Literacy Development: Sub-project Development of an adult-orientated self- and e-assessment, funded by BMBF, 2008-2010, joint application together with Prof. Dr. Anke Grotlüschen, Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler, Prof. Dr. Eva Quante-Brandt, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kretschmann. Proportionate third-party funding €197,165.00. Automation and Datafication of Communication With digitalization and profound mediatization of society, questions about the automatization of communication and the role of digital data for various social, political and cultural processes are gaining in importance. Digital Gaming The research focus “Digital Gaming” suggests a holistic perspective that switches from the analysis of games to a broader notion and understanding of gaming in a deeply mediatized society.
Automation and Datafication of Communication With digitalization and profound mediatization of society, questions about the automatization of communication and the role of digital data for various social, political and cultural processes are gaining in importance.
Digital Gaming The research focus “Digital Gaming” suggests a holistic perspective that switches from the analysis of games to a broader notion and understanding of gaming in a deeply mediatized society.