ZeMKI Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture ResearchPhD Projects The Aesthetic Dimension of Mental Illness Films can impressively shape the everyday image of mental disorders (mental illness) and develop complex forms of expression for the representation of mental disorders that go beyond the scientific descriptions (such as the ICD-10 or DSM). In addition, they reflect scientific characterizations of mental disorders and open up new, everyday-based insights for the health sciences. (…) Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture
The Aesthetic Dimension of Mental Illness Films can impressively shape the everyday image of mental disorders (mental illness) and develop complex forms of expression for the representation of mental disorders that go beyond the scientific descriptions (such as the ICD-10 or DSM). In addition, they reflect scientific characterizations of mental disorders and open up new, everyday-based insights for the health sciences. (…) Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture